Payara Server tools in VS Code

Using the Payara Tools VS Code extension, you can integrate Payara Server within the VS Code IDE to start, stop and manage applications deployed to Payara Server. The extension also allows you to use the hotdeploy and autodeploy features for improving developer efficiency.

Adding Payara Server to VS Code

  1. Open the command pallet using Ctrl + Shift + P, type Payara and select the Add Payara Server option.

  2. Browse the Payara Server installation path (recently used servers location are listed by default).

  3. Choose a name for the server.

  4. Then select a domain from the list or create a new domain by pressing the + button.

Add Payara Server
To add Payara Server to VSCode, the JAVA_HOME environment variable and the PATH system variable must be set.

Managing Payara Server from VS Code

Once Payara Server is added to VS Code it can be found under the Payara Servers explorer panel with the configured name. Right-clicking on the server lets you perform any of the following actions:

  • Start, restart or stop the server

  • Start debugging the server

  • Rename or remove the server

  • Open admin console

  • Open server log

  • Open server domain.xml config

  • Update admin credentials

  • Update JDK path

Start Payara Server

Magaging Applications on Payara Server

Deploying Applications

An application can be deployed to Payara Server easily though VS Code. Applications can be deployed via either of the following two methods

Right-click on the application and select Run on Payara Server to deploy the application:

Deploy application

Alternatively, an application can be deployed from the Java Projects interface:

Deploy application

Undeploying Applications

Deployed applications can be opened in the browser, undeployed or disabled by right-clicking on the application in the Payara Servers interface:

Open application homepage
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