New Features
PAYARA-3924 Publish Payara third-party BOM
PAYARA-2598 Hook up Soteria Identity Stores to Payara Realms
PAYARA-3263 Support Certified OpenTracing Tracers in MP OpenTracing
PAYARA-3658 Add support for easily securing the ejb-invoker endpoint
PAYARA-3793 Role mapping can be based on partial DN name (Client Certificates)
PAYARA-3828 REST Client 1.3 support
PAYARA-3829 Healthcheck 2.1 support
PAYARA-3832 Add Monitoring Console support for identifying which traces have exceeded thresholds
PAYARA-3994 HotDeploy support in deploy/redeploy asadmin command
PAYARA-4027 Add timeout parameter to start-deployment-group command
PAYARA-4037 Add access log setting options for Payara Micro
PAYARA-4097 Add Monitoring Console support for launching with a preset of 5 key metrics
PAYARA-4166 Metrics 2.2 Support
PAYARA-3796 Can’t inject a JNDI Integer property as MicroProfile config value
PAYARA-3811 Improve Application Deployment Performance (Pt2.) on Windows OS
PAYARA-3819 Remove repositories from pom
PAYARA-3940 Classloader whitelisting mechanism should isolate resources too
PAYARA-3997 Add TLS 1.3 support when using Zulu JDK 8
PAYARA-4033 Remove duplicate classes for remote commands
PAYARA-4096 Allow Instance Names to be Generated when Creating Instances from the Admin Console
PAYARA-4099 Add support for autoscaling Docker Nodes
PAYARA-4118 Graceful shutdown of PayaraExecutorService slows down server shutdown
PAYARA-4143 Replace usage of File.deleteOnExit() with manual deletion on exit.
PAYARA-4158 Domain Data Grid Port Behaviour options for create-domain command
PAYARA-4171 Monitoring data of an Instance is not visible if it is in a Deployment Group
PAYARA-4192 Support explicitly setting Data-Grid port in an instance
PAYARA-4193 Additonal Improvements for Monitoring Console Preset Page
PAYARA-4195 Cleanup in deployment-client
PAYARA-4197 Improve logging warnings for container-managed transaction timeouts
PAYARA-4247 Cleanup of sonar warnings for common/common-util
PAYARA-4248 Log Expired certificates from cacerts.jks with level warning
PAYARA-4251 Simplify Woodstock upgrades
Bug Fixes
PAYARA-1285 Thread Pool monitoring breaks when configuring thread pools
PAYARA-3500 Admin console shows incorrect virtual servers for MP health and metrics targets
PAYARA-3501 Configuration changes in MP health and metrics in Admin console don’t warn about restart needed
PAYARA-3803 Illegal Reflective Access by com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.JarFileUtils
PAYARA-4025 Setting context root with app.war:context stopped working in Payara Micro 5.192
PAYARA-4048 ejb32/mdb/modernconnector fails
PAYARA-4055 Jaxrs client obtained from the request context must be the same instance
PAYARA-4061 jsp test failures
PAYARA-4077 CDI test EnterpriseSecurityContextPropagationInAsyncObserverTest fails
PAYARA-4078 CDI InterceptorEnvironmentJNDISessionBeanTest fails
PAYARA-4083 Unsatisfied dependencies for type YubicoAPI in CDI TCK
PAYARA-4087 Allow use of single char operands in payara micro commands
PAYARA-4104 Disabling Hazelcast for 5.193 Server causes startup failure
PAYARA-4115 List-Nodes-Docker Command Fails with Invalid Number of Columns
PAYARA-4116 Server shutdown hangs when startup fails
PAYARA-4120 Server fails to start when using JDK11
PAYARA-4121 Monitoring Configuration Level Ignored after Redeploying an Application
PAYARA-4122 Unable to acquire global lock for resolve payara-micro-service
PAYARA-4123 Async errors are missing in resumed response
PAYARA-4124 Application name of deployed ear shows the unique number
PAYARA-4125 MP HealthCheck NPE from when first saving values in admin console
PAYARA-4129 Payara-samples were not updated after release of 5.193
PAYARA-4131 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by
PAYARA-4140 ResourceValidator fails on jms/ee20/cditests/ejbweb
PAYARA-4141 Use correct constructor of NotAuthorizedException in RolesPermittedInterceptor
PAYARA-4144 Add support for Deployment Group on Management API
PAYARA-4146 JavaMail Fails to Load Default Providers
PAYARA-4147 MicroProfile Metrics API returns no data for vendor:system_cpu_load
PAYARA-4160 Admin Console List EJB Timers Causes HTTP 500
PAYARA-4164 OpenTracingApplicationEventListener is not null-safe
PAYARA-4167 JSON-B Runtime not present on AppClient classpath
PAYARA-4169 Incorrect server.policy settings
PAYARA-4170 Deployment-client breaks TCK tests
PAYARA-4172 Generation of OpenAPI document when using @Schema(implementation) sometimes give wrong result
PAYARA-4174 CDI injection gives IllegalStateException on MP Metrics bean in Payara Micro
PAYARA-4186 OpenAPI document generates incorrect schema for Enums
PAYARA-4196 Monitoring console throws error when dealing metrics that include a space
PAYARA-4202 Arrays not supported in PayaraConfig.getOptionalValue()
PAYARA-4206 MP Config does not support char as type of property
PAYARA-4207 Steady pool size should allow zero
PAYARA-4215 Database EJB Timer Persistence Service doesn’t work on Deployment Group
PAYARA-4218 JAX-WS Command Error
PAYARA-4219 Problem when trying to override System Properties of an instance
PAYARA-4238 Monitoring Console Hardening
PAYARA-4250 Monitoring Console Prevent Log Spamming
PAYARA-4253 Update TCK signature tests for 5.194
PAYARA-4254 Test failure in ejb32 / modernconnector
PAYARA-4255 Servlet TCK failures
PAYARA-4256 MP Metrics still registered after application removed
PAYARA-4266 EJB TCK fails on NPE in EJB Container annotation
Component Upgrades
PAYARA-4030 Upgrade HK2 to 2.6.1
PAYARA-4198 Upgrade Tyrus to 1.15
PAYARA-4213 Upgrade jackson to 2.10.0
PAYARA-4243 Upgrade ASM to 7.2