Concurrency Enhancements

Payara Server provides procedures for administering concurrent resources by using the using the Asadmin CLI and the Admin Console.

Concurrent resources are managed objects that provide concurrency capabilities to Jakarta EE applications. In Payara Server, you configure concurrent resources and make them available for use by application components such as servlets and EJBs. Concurrent resources are accessed through JNDI lookup or resource injection.

Concurrent Resources

Configuring Context Services

Context services are used to create dynamic proxy objects that capture the context of a container and enable applications to run within that context at a later time.

Configuring Managed Thread Factories

Managed thread factories are used by applications to create managed threads on demand.

Configuring Managed Executor Services

Managed executor services are used by applications to execute submitted tasks asynchronously.

Configuring Managed Scheduled Executor Services

Managed scheduled executor services are used by applications to execute submitted tasks asynchronously at specific times.

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