This section details several improvements and enhancements done to features provided by the EJB container.
Concurrent Instance Configuration
Payara Server can control the number of maximum concurrent instances per EJB that can be served to its clients.
It is possible to limit the number of concurrent Stateless EJB instances that are dispatched, allowing fine-grained control of resources, limiting surface area for DDOS attacks and making applications run more smoothly and efficiently. This is done regardless of the maximum number of instances available in a bean’s pool. Using these boundaries, it is possible to instruct the EJB container so that the maximum number of threads is not exceeded at runtime.
These limits can be controlled on a per-EJB basis, using bean-pool
elements in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
deployment descriptor file with the use of the following proprietary Payara Platform tags and elements:
Element | Behaviour |
This element controls the maximum concurrent instances that are dispatched for this EJB (number of threads). The default is configured in the domain |
This element controls what to do when the number of requests exceeds the amount of beans available in the pool. Possible values of this element include:
This element controls the minimum number of beans in the bean pool. This will increase performance at the expense of memory footprint. |
The system property fish.payara.ejb-container.max-wait-time-in-millis can be set to change the default global value of <max-wait-time-in-millis> for all Stateless EJB bean pools.
Unless overridden in the deployment descriptor file, this will become the new default value and can be used to cap the upper bound of all concurrent invocations of any Stateless EJB pools. |
The following is a sample glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
deployment descriptor that configures 2 EJBs with the settings mentioned beforehand.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE glassfish-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-// GlassFish Application Server 3.1 EJB 3.1//EN" "">
Customized EJB-JAR Archive Names
It is possible to instruct Payara Server to override the name of an EJB-JAR module when it is deployed either as a standalone module or as part of an EAR application. It is also possible to instruct Payara Server to override the module and/or application’s name.
Overwriting the Module Name
When deploying an EJB-JAR module on Payara Server, the portable JNDI names for all scanned EJBs will be generated using the name of the module as specified on the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ejb-jar xmlns = ""
version = "3.1"
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
If the name’s not specified in the deployment descriptor, the specification states that the module name will be the same as the JAR artifact used to deploy it. |
However, When deploying a JAR from an IDE (like NetBeans or IntelliJ), the IDE deploys to Payara Server using the asadmin deploy
command, with the --name
option specified. This will force the module to have the specified name over the name defined in ejb-jar.xml. This is undesired because the IDE usually infers the module name from the name of the project or the JAR file and doesn’t take the correct name of the module into account.
In Payara Server, the module name defined in the deployment descriptor will be used even if it tries to be overridden using the --name
option. This behaviour will always take precedence.
In the case you need to overwrite the name of the module when deploying the module, use the --forceName command option.
Overwriting the Application Name
In the case of EAR artifacts, the portable JNDI names for all scanned EJBs will use the application name defined in the application.xml deployment descriptor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="7">
<display-name>My Application</display-name>
You can use the --name and --forcename deployment options to override the application name in a similar manner with what happens with EJB-JAR modules.
Lite Remote EJB Communication
For scenarios when communication with remote EJBs is needed across a complex network topology or when a server architecture is deployed on a cloud provider, there’s a new feature for the EJB server and client applications: A lite and thin client that can be used to communicate via HTTP(S) instead of IIOP-RMI.
Payara Server has support for classic remote EJB since its inception. Classic remote EJB uses the IIOP-RMI (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Remote Method Invocation) protocol for transport communication and the CSIv2 (Common Secure Interoperability Protocol Version 2) protocol for security.
While feature rich, these protocols were not designed with firewalls, NAT, (private) clouds, Docker and generally the Internet in mind. For these environments the requirements of the protocol, such as establishing independent connections back from the server to the client, are too troublesome.
The IIOP-RMI/CSIv2 also requires the use of multiple heavyweight client libraries. In the case of Payara Server the client library (either referenced by the gf-client.jar
library or the payara-embedded-all
dependency) is almost as big as the entire server as it’s essentially a special form of the ACC (Application Client Container). For this reason a much-needed modernization of the transport and security protocols was needed, and for the environments described only one protocol really works, and that is the HTTP(S) protocol.
Payara Server features an additional complimentary EJB remoting technology based on the HTTP(S) protocol while favoring the use of a thin client library that make remote applications much lighter while circumventing known challenges for the Internet and other scenarios.
HTTP(S) for EJB Remoting in Payara Server is a completely different feature from the classic IIOP-RMI/CSIv2-based feature, and does not intend to replace the transport layer protocol used on it, rather it is implemented as an additional independent feature. |
TX Propagation and Security Propagation is not supported by EJB Remoting in Payara Server. |
In the current version of this feature, not all remote EJB features are implemented yet. |
Configuring HTTP(S) for Remote EJBs
HTTP(S) for EJB remoting in Payara Server makes use of a special web endpoint on which is located by default on the path /ejb-invoker
This endpoint is disabled out of the box and it can be enabled using the set-ejb-invoker-configuration asadmin command.
- Usage
asadmin set-ejb-invoker-configuration [--enabled=true|false] [--securityenabled=true|false] [--roles=<role-list>] [--authmoduleclass=<SAM-class>] [--authmodule=<security-provider-id>] [--realmname=<realm-name>] [--authtype=<auth-type>] [--endpoint=<context-root[default:ejb-invoker]>] [--virtualservers=<virtualserver-list>] [--target=<target[default:server]>]
- Aim
Enables or disables the endpoint that allows HTTP(S) transport based communication for remote EJBs.
Command Options
Option | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the |
true |
No |
Boolean |
Whether or not secure access to the |
false |
No |
String |
If defined, the endpoint will be assigned to a list of the role specified as a comma-separated.. |
invoker |
No |
String |
The context root used to expose the |
No |
String |
Defines the full qualified class name implementing |
No |
String |
Defines the existing message security provider id. If defined and |
No |
String |
Defines the registered realm name. If defined and |
No |
String |
The instance or cluster to enable the endpoint. |
No |
String |
If defined, the endpoint will be assigned to a list of virtual servers specified as a comma-separated list of names. Otherwise, the endpoint will be assigned to all virtual servers available. |
No |
String |
The target configuration where the command should be run. |
server |
No |
The following command will enable the endpoint on the DAS:
asadmin > set-ejb-invoker-configuration --enabled=true
The set-ejb-invoker-configuration --enabled=true/false commands actually deploy/undeploy an internal small WAR application that exposes the endpoint. In this version this application is shown in all overviews that show deployed applications once enabled.
- Usage
asadmin get-ejb-invoker-configuration [--target=<target[default:server]>]
- Aim
Returns the current configuration options for the
application on the targeted configuration.
Configuring the Thin Client Dependency
Client applications that wish to use HTTP(S) as the transport protocol when calling remote EJBs will have to use a special thin-client dependency. To do this, you can add the following Maven dependency to your client project:
This artifact requires a patched version of the Jersey client which is pulled intransitive. This patched version is available within our Payara Nexus Repository.
The Maven repository definition is present in the pom.xml file of the ejb-http-client
artifact. However, when your dependencies are managed by a private artifact repository, for example, you might need to update it to refer to the Payara Nexus repository.
Also, we recommend having a look at the BOM feature so that versions can be defined more consistently.
Finally, the code that executes the call to the remote EJB must be modified in some manner. To obtain a type-safe proxy for any remote EJB bean, the traditional approach via JNDI is still used. An example is given below:
First, consider the following remote EJB interface:
@Remote public interface BeanRemote { String method(); }
java -
Second, consider a (secured) EJB that implements that interface and resides in a EJB application called "test" deployed on a Payara server instance that is listening in
:@Stateless public class Bean implements BeanRemote, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override @RolesAllowed("g1") public String method() { return "method"; } }
java -
Given the above, the following client code can be used to obtain a proxy to the
bean and invoke a remote method defined on it:import static javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY; import static javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; public class RemoteEJBLiteClient{ public static void main(String... args) throws NamingException{ Properties environment = new Properties(); environment.put(INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ""); environment.put(PROVIDER_URL, "http://localhost:8080/ejb-invoker"); InitialContext ejbRemoteContext = new InitialContext(environment); BeanRemote beanRemote = (BeanRemote) ejbRemoteContext.lookup("java:global/test/Bean"); beanRemote.method() // returns "method" } }
Calling a Secured Remote EJB
When calling a secured EJB using the ejb-invoker
endpoint, there are some considerations in place for the client code:
If the remote EJB is secured with transport confidentiality (and integrity) enabled like this:
<ejb> <ejb-name>Bean</ejb-name> <ior-security-config> <transport-config> <integrity>REQUIRED</integrity> <confidentiality>REQUIRED</confidentiality> <establish-trust-in-target>SUPPORTED</establish-trust-in-target> <establish-trust-in-client>SUPPORTED</establish-trust-in-client> </transport-config> </ior-security-config> </ejb>
xmlThen, the corresponding HTTP endpoint to use would be
instead. -
If the remote EJB also has authentication enabled (via username and password credentials) like this:
<ejb> <ejb-name>Bean</ejb-name> <as-context> <auth-method>USERNAME_PASSWORD</auth-method> <realm>default</realm> <required>true</required> </as-context> </ejb>
xmlThen the credentials required to correctly authenticate the user for the call have to be specified in the JNDI context with the following properties:
for the username -
for the password
Here’s an example of the complete client code used to call a secured remote EJB:
import static javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY;
import static javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL;
import static javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS;
import static javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public class RemoteEJBLiteClient{
public static void main(String... args) throws NamingException{
Properties environment = new Properties();
environment.put(PROVIDER_URL, "https://localhost:8181/ejb-invoker");
environment.put(SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "u1");
environment.put(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "p1");
InitialContext ejbRemoteContext = new InitialContext(environment);
BeanRemote beanRemote = (BeanRemote) ejbRemoteContext.lookup("java:global/test/Bean");
beanRemote.method() // returns "method"
When accessing secured EJBs you should use only HTTPS (that means, enabling confidential transport requirements to the remote EJB), as the submitted credentials will be transferred in clear text (not encrypted, only base64 encoded), which is a security risk you should avoid in any production environment. |
JNDI Customization Options
Under the covers the remote EJB proxy uses a JAX-RS (Jersey) REST client builder in order to establish communication with the remote server. If you want to customize and modify the parameters for this communication (timeouts, keystores, etc.) the following JNDI context properties can be used to this end:
Property | Behaviour | Type |
The connection timeout. A value of 0 represents that the wait is indefinite. Negative values are not allowed. Unit is microseconds. |
The timeout to read a response. If the remote Payara doesn’t respond within the defined time a ProcessingException is thrown with a |
The key store to be used by the proxy. The key store contains the private key as well as certificates with its associated public keys. |
Instance of |
The trust store to be used by the proxy. The trust store must contain the certificates that are needed to communicate with the remote Payara Server. |
Instance of |
The SSL context that will be used by the proxy for creating secured connections to the Payara remote server. This context must be fully initialized, including the trust and key managers. Should not be used in conjunction with the |
Instance of |
The hostname verifier to be used by the proxy to verify the endpoint’s hostname against the identification information of it. |
Instance of a |
The principal to be used by the proxy to access the secured endpoint. |
Instance of a |
The credentials to be used by the proxy to access the secured endpoint. |
Instance of a |
To specify the authentication type of the secured endpoint. By default |
Instance of a |
To register the custom filter for the client request invoked by proxy. |
Instance of a |
To register the custom filter for the client response received by proxy. |
Instance of a |
The executor service that will be used for executing asynchronous tasks. (for future use) |
Instance of |
The executor service that will be used for executing scheduled asynchronous tasks. (For future use) |
Instance of |
The configuration for the internal JAX-RS/Jersey REST client. |
Instance of |
Implementation of client side adapter to use for intercepting JNDI lookups (see below) |
Instance of |
The constants are also exposed as static attributes of the
System Properties Fallbacks
The JNDI customization options listed above as well the environment variables defined in javax.naming.Context
(except APPLET
) can be set by setting a system property of the same name that will act as a fallback.
That means it will not override an environment variable that is already present but would be used in the case that it is not defined when InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext
is invoked.
Client side adapter
EJB Lite connector is, in its current form, suited for invoking stateless remote EJBs. However, if you’re using the connector with existing clients, those may depend on stateful interactions, like invoking stateful EJBs or accessing application server data sources and connection factories. Client side adapters serve the purpose of emulating stateful behavior at the client and delegate the requests to stateful backend, when all information from the client is collected.
The API of client side adapters is prescribed by interface fish.payara.ejb.http.client.adapter.ClientAdapter
public interface ClientAdapter {
* @param jndiName jndi name requested for lookup
* @param remoteContext naming context for remote EJB invocation
* @return Optional.of(proxy) if adapter provides a proxy for given name, Optional.empty() otherwise
* @throws NamingException if downstream lookup fails, or other validation doesn't pass
Optional<Object> makeLocalProxy(String jndiName, Context remoteContext)
throws NamingException;
To make use of the adapter, put an instance of ClientAdapter
into JNDI context property fish.payara.clientAdapter
. Every JNDI lookup will be first passed to the adapter instance in such case. If adapter returns a non-empty Optional
value, tit will be passed back to the client.
Composing multiple adapters
Client side emulation might require stubbing diverse JNDI names and return types, and handling all of that in a single ClientAdapter implementation would result in not very maintainable code. Therefore the client library offers two classes that help with composition of multiple Client adapters into the parent instance to be passed to RemoteEJBContextFactory
concatenates multiple client adapter instances, calling adapters in a defined order and returning first non-empty proxy provided by the adapters. -
is a decorator, that helps separate JNDI name matching from instantiation of client adapter. Most used method of customizer ismatchPrefix
, which will only call downstream adapter when requested JNDI name matches prefix.
This prefix is stripped before invoking the downstream adapter. |
Composite Client Adapter example
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, RemoteEJBContextFactory.FACTORY_CLASS);
props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http://not.relevant/");
.register(customize(new ConnectionFactoryAdapter()).matchPrefix("jms/")
Context context = new InitialContext(props);
See API documentation of the client library for detailed description of ClientAdapterCustomizer
methods and contracts of CompositeClientAdapter
Known Limitations
Serialization Limitations
The HTTP adapter utilizes JSON-B for serialization. This places limits on types of objects that can be transmitted as method arguments or return types. The serialization can be customized by means of JSON-B annotations.
By default, only public properties and fields are transferred
Complex object graphs should form a tree and not contain cyclic references
Polymorphism is not supported by default
Advanced Persistent Timer Configuration
If using an external RDBMS engine for storing persistent timer data is not an option, it is also possible to use the Domain Data Grid to function as a replacement in production environments. The same feature is available in Payara Micro.
Persisting an EJB Timer to the Domain Data Grid means that the Data Grid itself will store the timer details, preserving it even if the original instance leaves the grid.
All stored timers are lost if the whole domain is stopped. |
The Persistence service for EJB Timers can be set in the administration console by navigating to the EJB Timer Service tab in the EJB Container node of a configuration.
To use the Data Grid to store EJB Timers set the Persistence Service to DataGrid
EJB Timers will be coordinated across a single deployment group and if an instance of the deployment group is stopped another instance in the same deployment group will take ownership of the timer and ensure it is fired.
Clustered Timer Firing Mode is NOT used in this version of Payara Server and is always "One Per Deployment Group" |
It is also possible to set the ejb-timer-service
from the command line. To get the current state, run the following command:
asadmin> get configs.config.${your-config}.ejb-container.ejb-timer-service
This will return the current state taken from the domain.xml configuration file, which by default should be something similar to the following:
asadmin> get configs.config.server-config.ejb-container.ejb-timer-service
Command get executed successfully.
To persist to the Data Grid you need only change the value for configs.config.server-config.ejb-container.ejb-timer-service.ejb-timer-service
to DataGrid
. To do this, run the following set
asadmin> set configs.config.server-config.ejb-container.ejb-timer-service.ejb-timer-service=DataGrid
set commands are not dynamic. You will need to restart your domain to apply the changes.
Timer Migration
EJB Timers stored in the Domain Data Grid support timer migration between Instances in the same Deployment Group. You can migrate timers using the Administration console from the Deployment Group page. Timers can also be migrated between instances using asadmin commands like this:
asadmin> migrate-timers --target server1 server2
Where server1
is the active instance to migrate timers to and server2
is the failed instance.
Configuring MDB Bean Pool Size with ActivationConfigProperty
It is now possible to configure the MDB bean pool size with the ActivationConfigProperty
. Any bean annotated with @MessageDriven
can use @ActivationConfigProperty
to set property names and property values. For example:
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "MaxPoolSize", propertyValue = "100")
The MaxPoolSize
, MaxWaitTimeInMillis
, PoolResizeQuantity
, SteadyPoolSize
and PoolIdleTimeoutInSeconds
are all MDB pool properties that can configured using the @ActivationConfigProperty