New Features
PAYARA-223 Build EclipseLink HZ Cache Coordination Protocol
PAYARA-1394 Create OAUTH integration
PAYARA-1528 Add SNI SSL support
PAYARA-1925 JACC per Application
PAYARA-2545 Upgrade Config to 1.2
PAYARA-2546 Update Metrics to 1.1
PAYARA-2547 Implement Open Tracing 1.0
PAYARA-2548 Implement Open API 1.0
PAYARA-2549 Implement REST Client 1.1
PAYARA-2682 Support integration of password aliases with microprofile config
PAYARA-2718 Support EL within OAuth authentication mechanism
PAYARA-1688 Redesign the public notifier API
PAYARA-1692 Minor changes to Security UI in Admin console
PAYARA-1864 Add LetsEncrypt as a trusted CA to the default truststore
PAYARA-2041 Implement Dynamic Logging Configuration
PAYARA-2263 Make jvm-options tag in domain.xml switchable by jdk
PAYARA-2349 Improve data format from SQL tracing data metrics
PAYARA-2425 Add Environment Variable support for JVM-Options
PAYARA-2461 Options to allow the application’s name to be used for Portable JNDI name of EJBs contained within an EAR
PAYARA-2466 Finally squash the unnecessary Felix warnings
PAYARA-2528 Payara Micro ignores invalid arguments if they don’t start with double dash
PAYARA-2559 Allow to boot AMX at runtime even without enabling JMX monitoring service
PAYARA-2568 The boot of micro does not use multiple threads
PAYARA-2575 Create Yubikey integration
PAYARA-2603 Move autobinding into Grizzly.
PAYARA-2611 Notify Of Missing Alias for HTTP Listeners SSL configuration at startup
PAYARA-2612 Remove underscore from JSON field names in JSON log formatter
PAYARA-2614 Expose Grizzly HTTP2 AddOn settings in the administration console
PAYARA-2615 Specify the SSL cert alias in Payara Micro
PAYARA-2616 Align javaee-api dependency versions to 8.0
PAYARA-2618 Align maven-compiler-plugin dependency version along with compiler version 1.8
PAYARA-2632 Set force-selector-spin-detection in Grizzly to true by default also for other OS than Linux
PAYARA-2666 Show DeploymentException which is hidden behind InvocationException
PAYARA-2673 Clean up code in annotation-framework
PAYARA-2678 Align versions of all maven plugins
PAYARA-2679 refactor groupId definition of hibernate-validator artefact
PAYARA-2680 Add cast method to NotificationData to convert itself into a subclass
PAYARA-2697 Context root defined in glassfish-web.xml always gets overridden when deployed via browser UI
PAYARA-2707 Allow placeholder replacement for AMX beans in MP custom metrics.
PAYARA-2708 Initial cleanup of admin cli
PAYARA-2720 Add missing packages to embedded
PAYARA-2725 The MicroProfile HealthCheck API is not configurable and overrides applications which define a /health endpoint
PAYARA-2744 Add to the Monitoring REST API Bulk Reading
PAYARA-2772 Application targets page doesn’t display targets
Security fixes
PAYARA-2561 CORBA security context gets corrupted
PAYARA-2654 update jackson-databind to 2.9.5
Bug fixes
PAYARA-1620 Servlet request is executed twice (or n time) if timeout occurs while waiting for jdbc call
PAYARA-2189 Ability for CDI event bus to filter ClassNotFound exceptions with multiple application deployed
PAYARA-2229 Injection in second war in an ear fails
PAYARA-2267 Timestamp JPA conversion failing for Oracle 12c types
PAYARA-2375 Glassfish 5.0 Servlet Parameters (ServerName, ServerPort, …) broken when HTTP 2 is used
PAYARA-2376 InvocationException when deploying an application with a deployment error
PAYARA-2522 Deploying an application to an Instance in a Deployment Group and the Deployment Group causes the application to only target the instance.
PAYARA-2555 Payara Micro Arquillian Connector Doesn’t Allow Spaces In Arguments
PAYARA-2558 Embedded SNAPSHOT dependency fails to run
PAYARA-2564 Multi-threading of InitialContex() causes multiply-defined stub classes
PAYARA-2566 Soteria ignores EL in one attribute of the LdapIdentityStoreDefinition
PAYARA-2569 Undeploying an Application from a Deployment Group requires the instances to be restarted.
PAYARA-2570 asadmin start-database implicit mapping to H2
PAYARA-2571 View monitoring info in admin console throws error
PAYARA-2574 Make Grizzly HTTP/2 Compliant
PAYARA-2579 Add Empty Key File to Payara Micro
PAYARA-2580 Can not change the admin http-listener port and restart the domain via asadmin
PAYARA-2581 In admin console, change text color to dark when background is orange
PAYARA-2583 WebAppClassLoader Leak in ComponentInvocation
PAYARA-2586 Unrecognised JMS-Service Element in Payara Embedded Web
PAYARA-2590 Microprofile Config Property injection of https port fails on Payara Micro
PAYARA-2591 Restarting the DAS results in displayed page using wrong look and feel
PAYARA-2593 Update EclipseLink 2.7.0 with changes on private fork
PAYARA-2608 Excessive use of JDBC connections for listing JBatch job executions
PAYARA-2610 Payara Micro uses wrong password for custom keystore/truststore
PAYARA-2613 Fix warning for Multiple JSF Applications found
PAYARA-2621 Correct case in "GlassFish" in admin console image(s)
PAYARA-2624 Header background on Domain is not responsive.
PAYARA-2625 Hard to read after sorting a table, due to colour change.
PAYARA-2628 Payara Micro copytouberjar duplicates the name of the directory
PAYARA-2630 Payara 5.181 throws exceptions and doesn’t start at first attempt
PAYARA-2633 Domain fails to start after setting up file encoding to UTF-8 via JVM options
PAYARA-2634 New Payara 5 Admin Console design doesn’t display on Japanese, Korean and Chinese language.
PAYARA-2660 MicroProfile Metrics asadmin command has no dynamic option and always requires the enabled option to be specified
PAYARA-2661 MicroProfile Metrics does not work when secured
PAYARA-2667 Grizzly Version is no.version in Logs
PAYARA-2670 The JMX Logging service sends notifications even when not enabled
PAYARA-2671 Blocker issue in Weld 3.0.3 wait for 3.0.4 or downgrade
PAYARA-2674 UpdateApplicationRef Command Doesn’t Replicate Across Cluster
PAYARA-2677 Context Classloaders in EAR are set incorrectly with Hazelcast
PAYARA-2686 MP Metrics Service custom metric definition overrides default server metrics
PAYARA-2687 Fix ConfigBuilder does not add default converters
PAYARA-2688 Custom metrics.xml file is not copied to remote nodes in clustering scenario
PAYARA-2691 Resource validation fails due to null Context ClassLoader
PAYARA-2696 Payara 5 micro datasource missing in JNDI after successful deployment
PAYARA-2698 Update serverHeader option in admin console
PAYARA-2699 REST monitoring service (Jolokia) is broken on Payara 5
PAYARA-2700 Cannot send asadmin command from Admin console to Payara Micro instance(s)
PAYARA-2701 It is not possible to target a JDBC resource to a deployment group
PAYARA-2704 Fix QuickLook tests for local execution
PAYARA-2706 MEMM Health check using wrong calculation for used memory
PAYARA-2711 Compress on Rotation doesn’t work for Payara Notification Logger
PAYARA-2715 Error when configuring availability service in admin console
PAYARA-2716 Help text in Micro refers to deploying EAR files and these are not supported
PAYARA-2727 Illegal non-String type in Grizzly config
PAYARA-2729 When listing batch job executions using "--long" options, it causes creation of excessive JDBC connections
PAYARA-2730 NPE encountered when enabling Monitoring for HTTP Service
PAYARA-2734 --interfaces options is ignored on Payara Micro
PAYARA-2735 --minHttpThreads does not work in Payara Micro
PAYARA-2737 JDBC Resources have an incorrect number of targets
PAYARA-2742 Custom metrics that override a base metric crash domain startup
PAYARA-2757 Payara Embedded Broken
PAYARA-2765 Typo in SetFaultToleranceConfiguration Command
PAYARA-2768 MicroProfile OpenAPI results invalid schema type and duplicate resource
PAYARA-2770 Rest resource and Rest Client on same classpath cause ambiguous rest endpoint error
PAYARA-2779 Concurrent NPE regression
PAYARA-2781 Exception thrown in logs when shutting down Payara
PAYARA-2789 String Array Config API Injection Fails
PAYARA-2826 Error in AMXJ2EE when creating a new instance
PAYARA-2541 Fix rare race condition in grizzly initialization
PAYARA-2582 Upstream Resource Validator retains deployment classloader
Component Upgrades
PAYARA-2676 Upgrade Jersey to 2.27
PAYARA-2709 Update Hibernate Validator to 6.0.9.Final