
Active User

A user who has successfully activated their access to a Payara Cloud subscription.


A user with comprehensive administrative privileges, including the ability to deploy, configure, and manage applications, as well as control user access and roles within a subscription. The administrator also has the unique ability to manage namespace-specific roles and perform critical namespace-level operations, such as creating new namespaces, setting up custom domains, and deleting namespaces.

Billing Manager

A user responsible for managing the financial aspects of a subscription, such as viewing invoices, updating payment information, and overseeing billing-related tasks. The Billing Manager can also invite new users to the subscription and modify their roles, except for granting or revoking Billing Manager roles.

Billing Manager with Administrative Privileges

A special role that combines the permissions of both the Billing Manager and Administrator, granting full access to both the financial and technical aspects of a Payara Cloud subscription.

CLI Token

A unique token used to authenticate and authorize access to the Payara Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing namespaces and applications from a terminal or command prompt.


The process of launching an uploaded and configured application, making it accessible and operational within the Payara Cloud environment.

DNS (Domain Name System)

A hierarchical and decentralized naming system that translates human-readable domain names (e.g., into machine-readable IP addresses, enabling users to access websites and services over the internet. In the context of Payara Cloud, DNS is important for associating custom domains with namespaces and ensuring the accessibility of deployed applications.

Heap Dump

A snapshot of the Java Virtual Machine’s (JVM) memory at a specific point in time, capturing information about objects, their sizes, and references. Heap dumps are important for debugging memory-related issues, such as memory leaks and inefficient object usage, in Payara Cloud applications.

Inactive User

A user whose access to a Payara Cloud subscription has been temporarily deactivated or suspended.


An email sent to a user, granting them access to an existing Payara Cloud subscription. The invitation contains a unique link that the recipient can follow to activate their access and join the subscription.


A user role with full access to existing Payara Cloud namespaces. Managers can upload new applications, delete existing ones, and perform various application management tasks, but they cannot access billing data or perform namespace-level operations.


A user with limited access to a Payara Cloud subscription, typically restricted from performing certain administrative or billing-related tasks.


A logical grouping or container within a Payara Cloud subscription that isolates and organizes related applications, providing a distinct environment for application deployment and management. Each namespace has its own unique domain and allows applications to be deployed at specific sub-paths within that domain.


A user role focused on application reconfiguration and diagnostics. Operators can analyze and adjust application settings but cannot delete applications or access sensitive configuration properties.

Pending User

A user who has received an invitation to a Payara Cloud subscription but has not yet accepted or activated their access.

Runtime Size

The allocation of resources, primarily CPU and memory, assigned to an application instance in Payara Cloud. The available runtime sizes depend on the subscription tier and impact the application’s performance and resource utilization.

Runtime Type

The combination of Java and Jakarta EE versions that an application is developed against and requires for execution in Payara Cloud. Selecting the correct runtime type ensures compatibility and optimal performance.


The specific phase or environment in which an application is deployed, such as development, testing, pre-production, or production. Stages help organize and manage applications based on their development lifecycle.


The fundamental billing unit in Payara Cloud, representing a defined set of resources and access levels granted to users within the platform. Each subscription has its own invoice and billing period, allowing for separate billing for different projects or departments.

Thread Dump

A snapshot of all the threads running within the JVM at a specific moment, capturing their states, stack traces, and other relevant information. Thread dumps are helpful for debugging performance issues, deadlocks, and other thread-related problems in Payara Cloud applications.


A user role with read-only access to deployed applications. Viewers can monitor application metrics, view logs, and access configuration details (excluding sensitive properties) but cannot make any modifications.