

pcl-delete-namespace - Deletes a namespace.


pcl delete-namespace [-hqVy] [-a=<applicationName>] [-n=<namespaceName>] [-o=<outputFormat>] [-s=<subscriptionName>]


Deletes a namespace. WARNING: All applications as well as custom domain mapping will be unrecoverably removed.


-a, --application=<applicationName>

Name of application to manage.

Not required for commands listed by -n option, as well as list-applications and upload.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.

-n, --namespace=<namespaceName>

Name of namespace to manage.

Required for all commands except login, list-namespaces and create-namespace.

-o, --output=<outputFormat>

Set the output format. Allowed values: TEXT, JSON.

-q, --quiet

Enable quiet output.

Only result of operations will be displayed to stdout, or error message to stderrr.

-s, --subscription=<subscriptionName>

Specify the name of the subscription to use. This is only necessary when your account has access to multiple subscriptions.

-V, --version

Print version information and exit.

-y, --yes, --confirm

Pass this argument to really delete. Without it warning with detail of namespace is displayed

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