Payara Cloud

Change Subscription Plan

To change the subscription plan, click on the "Subscription Actions" button on the top right of the subscription page and select "Change Plan".

change plan
Figure 1. Change Plan Menu

Select New Plan

Select the new plan from the list of available plans. Payara Cloud offers both upgrade and downgrade options for your subscription plans. Click "Confirm Subscription Choice" to proceed.

change plan selection
Figure 2. Subscription Plan Selection

Subscription Change Confirmation

Subscription Plan Upgrade

After clicking "Confirm Subscription Choice", it will display the following upgrade summary. Click "Confirm Subscription Change" to process the upgrade.

upgrade confirmation
Figure 3. Upgrade Confirmation

Upgrade will happen and be effective immediately.

Subscription Plan Downgrade

It will display the following downgrade summary. Click "Confirm Subscription Change" to process the downgrade.

downgrade confirmation
Figure 4. Downgrade Confirmation

Downgrade will happen at the end of the current billing cycle. The new plan will be effective from the next billing cycle.

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