Payara Cloud



pcl-upload - Upload an application binary (.war file) to Payara Cloud.


pcl upload [-ehlqV] [--deploy] [-a=<applicationName>] [-n=<namespaceName>] [-o=<outputFormat>] [-s=<subscriptionName>] [-t=<seconds>] <file>


Upload an application binary (.war file) to Payara Cloud. This command can either provide a new binary for an existing application or upload a new application into a namespace.


-a, --application=<applicationName>

Name of application to manage.

Not required for commands listed by -n option, as well as list-applications and upload.


Deploy the application immediately after uploading.

The application will only deploy if its default configuration is complete (i.e., all required options have default values).

-e, --fail-early

Fail command immediately after first deployment problem instead of waiting for timeout on client or backend side

There are certain scenarios when deployment can succeed despite reported deployment problems.

This means that even if you receive early warning messages about deployment failures, the application might still start up and run properly later.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.

-l, --logs

Shows application deployment logs in real-time

-n, --namespace=<namespaceName>

Name of namespace to manage.

Required for all commands except login, list-namespaces and create-namespace.

-o, --output=<outputFormat>

Set the output format. Allowed values: TEXT, JSON.

-q, --quiet

Enable quiet output.

Only result of operations will be displayed to stdout, or error message to stderrr.

-s, --subscription=<subscriptionName>

Specify the name of the subscription to use. This is only necessary when your account has access to multiple subscriptions.

-t, --timeout=<seconds>

Sets how long to wait for deployment completion on the client side.

This timeout doesn’t affect the actual deployment process in Payara Cloud, so applications might still start up even after a timeout occurs.

-V, --version

Print version information and exit.



Application archive file (.war) to be uploaded

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