Deploy Payara Cloud applications in your own Azure infrastructure while maintaining full control over your cloud resources and costs. This guide walks through Azure Private Cloud setup for deploying Jakarta EE applications across multiple regions in your Azure account.
Estimated setup time: 30 minutes
Before You Begin
Azure subscription with Contributor role permissions to deploy managed applications
A public DNS domain that you control, where you can manage DNS zones
Azure Kubernetes Service - managed container orchestration
- vCPU
Virtual CPU core unit for computing resources
- DNS Zone
Domain name system records for routing traffic
Your costs will include:
Azure infrastructure costs for deployed resources
Payara Cloud runtime fee: $0.12 per vCPU-hour (minimum 0.25 core)
Setup Instructions
1. Payara Cloud Setup
Create your Private Cloud Subscription:
Visit Payara Cloud Signup
Accept terms and click Subscribe
Set up your first region:
Locate connection details:
Find and copy the connection string from Account Information
2. Azure Configuration
Access Azure Marketplace:
Search for Payara Cloud Customer Managed Region
Select the available plan
Configure basic settings:
- Subscription
Azure subscription for deployment
- Resource Group
Container for managed application
- Region
Azure deployment location
- Connection String
Value copied from Payara Cloud
- Domain
Your DNS subdomain
- Let’s Encrypt Email
SSL certificate notifications
- Application Name
Managed Application identifier
- Managed Resource Group
Resource container name
Set infrastructure options (Optional):
- AKS Cluster Name
Azure Kubernetes Service cluster identifier
- Kubernetes Version
Platform version selection
- Node Size
VM type (4+ vCPUs recommended)
- Cluster Size Range
Minimum: Base node count
Maximum: Scale limit
- Log Analytics Workspace
Monitoring workspace name
Review and create:
Monitor deployment:
Troubleshooting Guide
Region activation delay
Normal time: 10-15 minutes
If exceeding 30 minutes, verify:
DNS configuration accuracy
Azure deployment status
Connection string correctness
Next Steps
Create namespaces in your new region
Deploy your first application
Monitor Azure portal metrics
Keep your Azure infrastructure costs optimized by monitoring resource usage regularly. |