
Unsets a servlet context-initialization parameter of a deployed web application or module.


asadmin [asadmin-options] unset-web-context-param [--help]
--name=context-param-name application-name[/module]


The unset-web-context-param subcommand unsets a servlet context-initialization parameter of one of the following items:

  • A deployed web application

  • A web module in a deployed Jakarta EE application

When a parameter is unset, its value reverts to the value, if any, that is set in the application’s deployment descriptor.

The application must already be deployed. Otherwise, an error occurs.

The parameter must have previously been set by using the set-web-context-param subcommand. Otherwise, an error occurs.

Do not use the unset-web-context-param subcommand to change the value of a servlet context-initialization parameter that is set in an application’s deployment descriptor. Instead, use the set-web-context-param subcommand for this purpose.

This subcommand enables you to change the configuration of a deployed application without the need to modify the application’s deployment descriptors and repackage and redeploy the application.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


The name of the servlet context-initialization parameter that is to be unset. This parameter must have previously been set by using the set-web-context-param subcommand. Otherwise, an error occurs.



The name of the application. This name can be obtained from the Administration Console or by using the list-applications subcommand.
The application must already be deployed. Otherwise, an error occurs.


The relative path to the module within the application’s enterprise archive (EAR) file. The path to the module is specified in the module element of the application’s application.xml file.
module is required only if the servlet context-initialization parameter applies to a web module of a Jakarta EE application. If specified, module must follow application-name, separated by a slash (/).
For example, the application.xml file for the myApp application might specify the following web module:


The module would be specified as the operand of this command as myApp/myWebModule.war.


Example 1 Unsetting a Servlet Context-Initialization Parameter for a Web Application

This example unsets the servlet context-initialization parameter javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD of the web application basic-ezcomp. The parameter reverts to the value, if any, that is defined in the application’s deployment descriptor.

asadmin> unset-web-context-param
--name=javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD basic-ezcomp

Command unset-web-context-param executed successfully.

Exit Status


command executed successfully


error in executing the command

See Also

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