Lists the names of all available Healthcheck services.
This command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release as it has been replaced by the list-healthcheck-services command.
Prints a detailed list of all available Healthcheck services (as in, individual services that generate healthcheck events based on performance metrics) in the current server installation.
- asadmin-options
Options for the
utility. For information about these options, see theasadmin
help page. --help
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
Example 1 List current Healthcheck services
asadmin healthcheck-list-services
Available Health Check Services:
Name Description
healthcheck-mpmetrics Provides a way to monitor and log the values of metrics exposed by MicroProfile Metrics
healthcheck-cpu Provides ratio on cpu usage time with severity according to defined threshold values
healthcheck-gc Provides ratio on garbage collection count with severity according to defined threshold values
healthcheck-heap Provides ratio on used heap memory with severity according to defined threshold values
healthcheck-threads Lists hogging threads with their id when given thresholds exceed
healthcheck-machinemem Provides ratio on used machine memory with severity according to defined threshold values
healthcheck-cpool Provides ratio on connection usage for a given pool name with severity according to defined threshold values
healthcheck-stuck Provides thread name, id and stack trace for requests which reach over defined threshold values
healthcheck-mp Checks that all instances are responding to Microprofile Healthcheck requests with an UP response
Command list-healthcheck-services executed successfully.