
This chapter describes how to create and run Jakarta EE applications in compatible Payara Platform distributions. Topics for this guide include developer tools, security, debugging and specific features for Jakarta EE specification implementations. This document is intended for use by software developers who create, assemble, and deploy Jakarta EE applications using the Payara Platform.

The following tutorials explain how to develop Jakarta EE applications:

  • Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Jakarta EE Platform. This is a recommended tutorial for programmers with no experience or knowledge about Jakarta EE, and it explains the entire process for developing a simple enterprise application using Eclipse Glassfish.

  • The Jakarta EE Tutorial. This comprehensive tutorial explains how to use Jakarta EE platform technologies and APIs to develop enterprise applications. This guide heavily references the contents of this tutorial to guide users in understanding the basic concepts of application development.

The Jakarta EE tutorial uses Eclipse Glassfish as its Jakarta EE runtime. Most of the concepts and instructions used in the tutorial should be directly equivalent to the Payara Platform given its similarities to Eclipse Glassfish.

The Jakarta EE specifications Javadoc documentation is listed within its specification resources under each corresponding specification site at https://jakarta.ee/specifications/.

The Jakarta EE Examples project is a collection of sample applications that demonstrate a broad range of Jakarta EE technologies. They are available to download in their own online repository.

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