Using Jakarta Faces Technology

This chapter describes how to use the Jakarta Faces (JSF) API.

Introducing Jakarta Faces

Jakarta Faces is a server-side component framework for creating diverse Java technology–based web applications for browser-focused environments.

Jakarta Faces consists of the following:

  • An API for representing components and managing their state; handling events, server-side validation, and data conversion; defining page navigation; supporting internationalization and accessibility

  • Tag library sets for adding components to web pages and for linking components to server-side objects.

Jakarta Faces provides a well-defined programming model and various tag libraries. These tag libraries contain tag handlers that implement component tags. These features significantly ease the burden of creating and maintaining web applications with server-side user interfaces.

Jakarta Faces Applications

The functionality provided by a Jakarta Faces application is similar to that of any other Java web-based application. A typical Jakarta Faces application includes the following parts.

  • A set of web pages in which components are rendered at runtime.

  • A set of tags to add components to the web page.

  • A set of managed Java beans, which are lightweight, container-managed objects (POJOs).

    • In a Jakarta Faces application, managed beans usually serve as backing beans, which define properties to store data and methods and event handlers for UI components on a page.

  • A web deployment descriptor (web.xml).

  • (Optional) One or more application configuration resource files, such as a faces-config.xml file, which can be used to define page navigation rules and provide further customization options for the application.

  • (Optional) A set of custom objects, which can include custom components, validators, converters, or listeners.

  • (Optional) A set of custom tags for representing custom or complex objects on the page.

Configurable JSF options

This section documents specific configuration settings that are not available in the standard deployment descriptors or configuration files described above as part of the Jakarta Faces API.

Parallel Initialization

It is possible to specify a Payara Platform specific JSF context parameter in the web.xml deployment descriptor, named fish.payara.faces.enableParallelInit to provide parallel initialization benefits to the application in question.


When the fish.payara.faces.enableParallelInit context parameter is set to true some of the internal initialisation of Mojarra (the JSF implementation Payara Server uses) is performed in parallel.

To this effect, this the platform fork/join thread pool is used, which is the same pool used for processing JDK 8 Streams in parallel.


Here’s an example that sets the option to true in web.xml:


The fish.payara.faces.enableParallelInit context parameter can also be combined with the com.sun.faces.enableThreading parameter:


This is an existing Mojarra-specific parameter to also enable parallel initialisation, but in a slightly earlier stage of the initialisation process.

As a Payara Platform specific implementation this will use the default Platform Concurrency executor if there is one, if not it will create a single use executor with 5 threads.

Using an Alternative Jakarta Faces Implementation

As a special case of how the classloader hierarchy can be modified (see configuring classloading delegation), the Payara Platform allows the use of a Jakarta Faces implementation that is bundled on a web application.

This feature may be useful to switch to a different implementation than the default one included with the server.

To configure this feature, you need to indicate within the payara-web.xml / glassfish-web.xml deployment descriptor that the server should use a bundled Jakarta Faces implementation as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE payara-web-app PUBLIC "-// Payara Server 4 Servlet 3.0//EN" "{payaraWebDtd}">
<payara-web-app error-url="">
    <class-loader delegate="false"/>
    <property name="useBundledJsf" value="true" />

By specifying these options, the bundled Jakarta Faces implementation within your web application will be used instead of the default implementation included within the server.

If deploying a EAR application you must bundle the Jakarta Faces implementation library within the embedded WAR component. You cannot add an alternative Jakarta Faces implementation as an EAR library.
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