Using Container-Managed Persistence

This chapter contains information on how EJB 2.1 container-managed persistence (CMP) works in the Payara Platform.

The Web Profile of Payara Server supports the Jakarta Enterprise Beans (formerly known as EJB) 4.0 Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web applications, among other features. The Full Profile supports the entire 4.0 specification. For details, see Jakarta Enterprise Beans
The concepts discussed in here are applicable to Payara Micro up to some extent as well.
As of Jakarta EE 10, the CMP API group has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Payara Server Support for CMP

Payara Server support for EJB 2.1 CMP beans includes:

  • Full support for the J2EE v1.4 specification’s CMP model. This includes the following:

    • Support for commit options B and C for transactions. See Commit Options.

    • The primary key class must be a subclass of java.lang.Object. This ensures portability, and is noted because some vendors allow primitive types (such as int) to be used as the primary key class.

  • Payara Server CMP implementation, which provides the following:

    • An Object/Relational (O/R) mapping tool that creates XML deployment descriptors for EJB JAR files that contain beans that use CMP.

    • Support for compound (multi-column) primary keys.

    • Support for sophisticated custom finder methods.

    • Standards-based query language (EJB QL).

    • CMP runtime support. See Configuring the CMP Resource.

  • Payara Server performance-related features, including the following:

    • Version column consistency checking

    • Relationship prefetching

    • Read-Only Beans

For details, see Performance-Related Features.

CMP Mapping

Implementation for entity beans that use CMP is mostly a matter of mapping CMP fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the database.

Mapping Capabilities

Mapping refers to the ability to tie an object-based model to a relational model of data, usually the schema of a relational database. The CMP implementation provides the ability to tie a set of interrelated beans containing data and associated behaviors to the schema. This object representation of the database becomes part of the Java application. You can also customize this mapping to optimize these beans for the particular needs of an application. The result is a single data model through which both persistent database information and regular transient program data are accessed.

The mapping capabilities provided by Payara Server include:

  • Mapping a CMP bean to one or more tables

  • Mapping CMP fields to one or more columns

  • Mapping CMP fields to different column types

  • Mapping tables with compound primary keys

  • Mapping tables with unknown primary keys

  • Mapping CMP relationships to foreign keys

  • Mapping tables with overlapping primary and foreign keys

The Mapping Deployment Descriptor File

Each module with CMP beans must have the following files:

  • ejb-jar.xml - The standard deployment descriptor for assembling enterprise beans.

  • glassfish-ejb-jar.xml - Payara Server’s proprietary deployment descriptor for assembling enterprise beans. For a detailed description, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

  • sun-cmp-mappings.xml - The mapping deployment descriptor file, which describes the mapping of CMP beans to tables in a database. For a detailed description, see "The sun-cmp-mappings.xml File" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file can be automatically generated and does not have to exist prior to deployment. For details, see Generation Options for CMP.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file maps CMP fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the database. A primary table must be selected for each CMP bean, and optionally, multiple secondary tables. CMP fields are mapped to columns in either the primary or secondary table(s). CMR fields are mapped to pairs of column lists (normally, column lists are the lists of columns associated with primary and foreign keys).

Table names in databases can be case-sensitive. Make sure that the table names in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file match the names in the database. Relationships should always be mapped to the primary key field(s) of the related table.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file conforms to the sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd file and is packaged with the user-defined bean classes in the EJB JAR file under the META-INF directory.

Payara Server creates the mappings in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file automatically during deployment if the file is not present.

To map the fields and relationships of your entity beans manually, edit the sun-cmp-mappings.xml deployment descriptor.

The mapping information is developed in conjunction with the database schema (.dbschema) file, which can be automatically captured when you deploy the bean (see Automatic Database Schema Capture).

You can manually generate the schema using the capture-schema utility (Using the capture-schema Utility).

Mapping Considerations

The data types used in automatic schema generation are also suggested for manual mapping. These data types are described in Supported Data Types for CMP.

Join Tables and Relationships

Use of join tables in the database schema is supported for all types of relationships, not just many-to-many relationships.

Automatic Primary Key Generation

The Payara Server supports automatic primary key generation for EJB 1.1, 2.0, and 2.1 CMP beans. To specify automatic primary key generation, give the prim-key-class element in the ejb-jar.xml file the value java.lang.Object. CMP beans with automatically generated primary keys can participate in relationships with other CMP beans. Payara Server does not support database-generated primary key values.

If the database schema is created during deployment, Payara Server creates the schema with the primary key column, then generates unique values for the primary key column at runtime.

If the database schema is not created during deployment, the primary key column in the mapped table must be of type NUMERIC with a precision of 19 or more, and must not be mapped to any CMP field. Payara Server generates unique values for the primary key column at runtime.

Fixed Length CHAR Primary Keys

If an existing database table has a primary key column in which the values vary in length, but the type is CHAR instead of VARCHAR, Payara Server automatically trims any extra spaces when retrieving primary key values. It is not a good practice to use a fixed length CHAR column as a primary key.

Use this feature with schemas that cannot be changed, such as a schema inherited from a legacy application.

Managed Fields

A managed field is a CMP or CMR field that is mapped to the same database column as another CMP or CMR field. CMP fields mapped to the same column and CMR fields mapped to exactly the same column lists always have the same value in memory. For CMR fields that share only a subset of their mapped columns, changes to the columns affect the relationship fields in memory differently. Basically, Payara Server always tries to keep the state of the objects in memory synchronized with the database.

A managed field can have any fetched-with sub-element. If the fetched-with sub-element is <default/>, the -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup flag must be set to true. See Default Fetch Group Flags and "fetched-with" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section.

BLOB Support

Binary Large Object (BLOB) is a data type used to store values that do not correspond to other types such as numbers, strings, or dates. Java fields whose types implement or are represented as byte[] can be stored as BLOBs.

If a CMP field is defined as Serializable, it is serialized into a byte[] before being stored in the database. Similarly, the value fetched from the database is deserialized. However, if a CMP field is defined as byte[], it is stored directly instead of being serialized and deserialized when stored and fetched, respectively.

To enable BLOB support in the server’s environment, define a CMP field of type byte[] or a user-defined type that implements the interface. If you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema, map the field to a column of type BLOB.

For configurations of supported drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in Payara Server General Administration section.

For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default BLOB column length for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. See your database vendor documentation to determine whether you need to specify the length. For example:


CLOB Support

Character Large Object (CLOB) is a data type used to store and retrieve very long text fields. CLOBs translate into long strings.

To enable CLOB support in the Payara Server environment, define a CMP field of type java.lang.String. If you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema, map the field to a column of type CLOB.

For configurations of supported and other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in Payara Server General Administration section.

For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default CLOB column length for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. See your database vendor documentation to determine whether you need to specify the length. For example:


Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

The automatic schema generation feature provided in Payara Server defines database tables based on the fields in entity beans and the relationships between the fields. This insulates developers from many of the database related aspects of development, allowing them to focus on entity bean development. The resulting schema is usable as-is or can be given to a database administrator for tuning with respect to performance, security, and so on.

Automatic schema generation is supported on an all-or-none basis: it expects that no tables exist in the database before it is executed. It is not intended to be used as a tool to generate extra tables or constraints.
Deployment won’t fail if all tables are not created, and un-deployment won’t fail if not all tables are dropped. This is done to allow you to investigate the problem and fix it manually. You should not rely on the partially created database schema to be correct for running the application.

Supported Data Types for CMP

CMP supports a set of JDBC data types that are used in mapping Java data fields to SQL types. Supported JDBC data types are as follows: BIGINT, BIT, BLOB, CHAR, CLOB, DATE, DECIMAL, DOUBLE, FLOAT, INTEGER, NUMERIC, REAL, SMALLINT, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TINYINT, VARCHAR.

The following table contains the mappings of Java types to JDBC types when automatic mapping is used.

Java Type JDBC Type Nullability
































































java.util.Date a

DATE (Oracle only). TIMESTAMP (all other databases)











Java types assigned to CMP fields must be restricted to Java primitive types, Java Serializable types, java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp. An entity bean local interface type (or a collection of such) can be the type of CMR field.

The following table contains the mappings of JDBC types to database vendor-specific types when automatic mapping is used. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in the Payara Server General Administration section.

JDBC Type Apache Derby, CloudScape Oracle DB2 Sybase ASE 12.5 MS-SQL Server





















































































Generation Options for CMP

Deployment descriptor elements or asadmin command line options can control automatic schema generation by the following:

  • Creating tables during deployment

  • Dropping tables during un-deployment

  • Dropping and creating tables during redeployment

  • Specifying the database vendor

  • Specifying that table names are unique

  • Specifying type mappings for individual CMP fields

Before using these options, make sure you have a properly configured CMP resource. See Configuring the CMP Resource.
For a read-only bean, do not create the database schema during deployment. Instead, work with your database administrator to populate the data into the tables.See Using Read-Only Beans.
Automatic schema generation is not supported for beans with version column consistency checking. Instead, work with your database administrator to create the schema and add the required triggers. See Version Column Consistency Checking.

The following optional data sub-elements of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file control the automatic creation of database tables at deployment. For more information about the cmp-resource element, see "cmp-resource" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section and Configuring the CMP Resource.

Element Default Description



If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that are automatically mapped by the EJB container. No unique constraints are created. If false, does not create tables.



If true, causes database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were last deployed to be dropped when the bean(s) are un-deployed. If false,does not drop tables.



Specifies the name of the database vendor for which tables are created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), sybase and h2,case-insensitive. If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource specified by the jndi-name sub-element of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database vendor name is read. If the connection cannot be established, or if the value is not recognized, SQL-92 compliance is presumed.



Specifies field-specific column attributes in property sub-elements. Each property name is of the following format:


For example:


Also allows you to set the use-unique-table-names property. If true, this property specifies that generated table names are unique within each Payara Server domain. The default is false.

For further information and an example, see "schema-generator-properties" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

The following options of the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir command control the automatic creation of database tables at deployment.

Option Default Description



If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that need them. No unique constraints are created. If false, does not create tables. If not specified, the value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.



If true, and if tables were automatically created when this application was last deployed, tables from the earlier deployment are dropped and fresh ones are created. If true, and if tables were not automatically created when this application was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables. If tables with the same names as those that would have been automatically created are found, the deployment proceeds, but a warning indicates that tables could not be created.

If false, settings of create-tables-at-deploy or drop-tables-at-undeploy in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file are overridden.



If true, specifies that table names are unique within each Payara Server domain. If not specified, the value of the use-unique-table-names property in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.



Specifies the name of the database vendor for which tables are created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), sybase and h2, case-insensitive.

If not specified, the value of the database-vendor-name attribute in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.

If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource specified by the jndi-name sub-element of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database vendor name read. If the connection cannot be established, or if the value is not valid, SQL-92 compliance is presumed.

If one or more of the beans in the module are manually mapped, and you use any of the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir options, the deployment is not harmed in any way, but the options have no effect, and a warning is written to the server log.

The following options of the asadmin undeploy command control the automatic removal of database tables at un-deployment.

Option Default Description



If true, causes database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were last deployed to be dropped when the bean(s) are un-deployed. If false, does not drop tables. If not specified, the value of the drop-tables-at-undeploy attribute in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.

When command line and glassfish-ejb-jar.xml options are both specified, the asadmin command options take precedence.

Schema Capture

Automatic Database Schema Capture

You can configure a CMP bean in Payara Server to automatically capture the database metadata and save it in a .dbschema file during deployment. If the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file contains an empty <schema/> entry, the cmp-resource entry in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file is used to get a connection to the database, and automatic generation of the schema is performed.

Before capturing the database schema automatically, make sure you have a properly configured CMP resource. See Configuring the CMP Resource.

Using the capture-schema Utility

You can use the capture-schema command to manually generate the database metadata (.dbschema) file. For details, see the capture-schema.

The capture-schema utility does not modify the schema in any way. Its only purpose is to provide the persistence engine with information about the structure of the database (the schema).

Keep the following in mind when using the capture-schema command:

  • The name of a .dbschema file must be unique across all deployed modules in a domain.

  • If more than one schema is accessible for the schema user, more than one table with the same name might be captured if the -schemaname option of capture-schema is not set.

  • The schema name must be upper case.

  • Table names in databases are case-sensitive. Make sure that the table name matches the name in the database.

  • PostgreSQL databases internally convert all names to lower case. Before running the capture-schema command on a PostgreSQL database, make sure table and column names are lower case in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file.

  • An Oracle database user running the capture-schema command needs ANALYZE ANY TABLE privileges if that user does not own the schema.

Configuring the CMP Resource

An EJB module that contains CMP beans requires the JNDI name of a JDBC resource in the jndi-name sub-element of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. Set PersistenceManagerFactory properties as properties of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.See "cmp-resource" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, then select JDBC.

For example, if the JDBC resource has the JNDI name jdbc/MyDatabase, set the CMP resource in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file as follows:


Payara Server provides the following features to enhance performance or allow more fine-grained data checking. These features are supported only for entity beans with container managed persistence.

Use any of these features results in a non-portable application.

Version Column Consistency Checking

The version consistency feature saves the bean state at first transactional access and caches it between transactions. The state is copied from the cache instead of being read from the database. The bean state is verified by primary key and version column values at flush for custom queries (for dirty instances only) and at commit (for clean and dirty instances).

To Use Version Consistency

  1. Create the version column in the primary table.

  2. Give the version column a numeric data type.

  3. Provide appropriate update triggers on the version column. These triggers must increment the version column on each update of the specified row.

  4. Specify the version column. This is specified in the check-version-of-accessed-instances sub-element of the consistency element in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file. See "consistency" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section.

  5. Map the CMP bean to an existing schema. Automatic schema generation is not supported for beans with version column consistency checking. Instead, work with your database administrator to create the schema and add the required triggers.

Relationship Prefetching

In many cases when an entity bean’s state is fetched from the database, its relationship fields are always accessed in the same transaction. Relationship prefetching saves database round trips by fetching data for an entity bean and those beans referenced by its CMR fields in a single database round trip.

To enable relationship prefetching for a CMR field, use the default sub-element of the fetched-with element in the `sun-cmp-mappings.xml`file.

By default, these CMR fields are prefetched whenever findByPrimaryKey or a custom finder is executed for the entity, or when the entity is navigated to from a relationship. (Recursive prefetching is not supported, because it does not usually enhance performance.) See "fetched-with" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section.

To disable prefetching for specific custom finders, use the prefetch-disabled element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. See "prefetch-disabled" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section.

Multilevel relationship prefetching is supported for CMP 2.1 entity beans. To enable multilevel relationship prefetching, set the following property using the asadmin create-jvm-options command:

asadmin create-jvm-options

Read-Only Beans

Another feature that Payara Server provides is the read-only bean, an entity bean that is never modified by an EJB client. Read-only beans avoid database updates completely.

Read-only beans are specific to Payara Server and are not part of the Jakarta Enterprise Beans specification. Use of this feature for an EJB 2.1 bean results in a non-portable application.

A read-only bean can be used to cache a database entry that is frequently accessed but rarely updated (externally by other beans). When the data that is cached by a read-only bean is updated by another bean, the read-only bean can be notified to refresh its cached data.

Payara Server provides a number of ways by which a read-only bean’s state can be refreshed. By setting the refresh-period-in-seconds element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file and the trans-attribute element (or @TransactionAttribute annotation) in the ejb-jar.xml file, it is easy to configure a read-only bean that is one of the following:

  • Always refreshed

  • Periodically refreshed

  • Never refreshed

  • Programmatically refreshed

Access to CMR fields of read-only beans is not supported. Deployment will succeed, but an exception will be thrown at runtime if a get or set method is invoked.

Read-only beans are best suited for situations where the underlying data never changes, or changes infrequently. For further information and usage guidelines, see Using Read-Only Beans.

Default Fetch Group Flags

Using the following flags can improve performance.

Setting -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup=true allows CMP fields that by default cannot be placed into the default fetch group to be loaded along with all other fields that are fetched when the CMP state is loaded into memory. These could be multiple fields mapped to the same column in the database table, for example, an instance field and a CMR. By default, this flag is set to false.

For additional information, see "level" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

Setting -DAllowMediatedWriteInDefaultFetchGroup specifies how updated CMP fields are written back to the database. If the flag is false, all fields in the CMP bean are written back to the database if at least one field in the default fetch group has been changed in a transaction. If the flag is true, only fields modified by the bean are written back to the database. Specifying true can improve performance, particularly on database tables with many columns that have not been updated. By default, this flag is set to false.

To set one of these flags, use the asadmin create-jvm-options command. For example:

asadmin create-jvm-options -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup=true

Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders

About JDOQL Queries

The Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v1.1 does not specify the format of the finder method description. Payara Server uses an extension of Java Data Objects Query Language (JDOQL) queries to implement finder and selector methods. You can specify the following elements of the underlying JDOQL query:

  • Filter expression - A Java-like expression that specifies a condition that each object returned by the query must satisfy. Corresponds to the WHERE clause in EJB QL.

  • Query parameter declaration - Specifies the name and the type of one or more query input parameters. Follows the syntax for formal parameters in the Java language.

  • Query variable declaration - Specifies the name and type of one or more query variables. Follows the syntax for local variables in the Java language. A query filter might use query variables to implement joins.

  • Query ordering declaration - Specifies the ordering expression of the query. Corresponds to the ORDER BY clause of EJB QL.

Payara Server specific deployment descriptor (glassfish-ejb-jar.xml) provides the following elements to store the EJB 1.1 finder method settings:


The bean developer uses these elements to construct a query. When the finder method that uses these elements executes, the values of these elements are used to execute a query in the database. The objects from the JDOQL query result set are converted into primary key instances to be returned by the EJB 1.1 ejbFind method.

The JDO specification, JSR 12 (`, provides a comprehensive description of JDOQL.

Query Filter Expression

The filter expression is a String containing a Boolean expression evaluated for each instance of the candidate class. If the filter is not specified, it defaults to true. Rules for constructing valid expressions follow the Java language, with the following differences:

  • Equality and ordering comparisons between primitives and instances of wrapper classes are valid.

  • Equality and ordering comparisons of Date fields and Date parameters are valid.

  • Equality and ordering comparisons of String fields and String parameters are valid.

  • White space (non-printing characters space, tab, carriage return, and line feed) is a separator and is otherwise ignored.

  • The following assignment operators are not supported:

    • Comparison operators such as =, +=, and so on

    • Pre- and post-increment

    • Pre- and post-decrement

  • Methods, including object construction, are not supported, except for these methods.

    Collection.contains(Object o)
    String.startsWith(String s)
    String.endsWith(String e)

    In addition, Payara Server supports the following non-standard JDOQL methods: pattern) pattern, char escape)
    String.substring(int start, int length)
    String.indexOf(String str)
    String.indexOf(String str, int start)
    Math.abs(numeric n)
    Math.sqrt(double d)
  • Navigation through a null-valued field, which throws a NullPointerException, is treated as if the sub-expression returned false.

Comparisons between floating point values are by nature inexact. Therefore, equality comparisons (== and !=) with floating point values should be used with caution. Identifiers in the expression are considered to be in the name space of the candidate class, with the addition of declared parameters and variables. As in the Java language, this is a reserved word, and refers to the current instance being evaluated.

The following expressions are supported.

  • Relational operators (==, !=,>, <,>=, ⇐)

  • Boolean operators (&, &&, |, ||, ~, !)

  • Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /)

  • String concatenation, only for String + String

  • Parentheses to explicitly mark operator precedence

  • Cast operator

  • Promotion of numeric operands for comparisons and arithmetic operations

The rules for promotion follow the Java rules extended by BigDecimal, BigInteger, and numeric wrapper classes.

Query Parameters

The parameter declaration is a String containing one or more parameter type declarations separated by commas. This follows the Java syntax for method signatures.

Query Variables

The type declarations follow the Java syntax for local variable declarations.

JDOQL Examples

This section provides a few query examples.

Example 1

The following query returns all players called Michael. It defines a filter that compares the name field with a string literal:

name == "Michael"

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:

   <query-filter>name == "Michael"</query-filter>
Example 2

This query returns all products in a specified price range. It defines two query parameters which are the lower and upper bound for the price: double low, double high. The filter compares the query parameters with the price field:

low < price && price < high

Query ordering is set to price ascending.

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:

   <query-params>double low, double high</query-params>
   <query-filter>low &lt; price &amp;&amp; price &lt; high</query-filter>
   <query-ordering>price ascending</query-ordering>
Example 3

This query returns all players having a higher salary than the player with the specified name. It defines a query parameter for the name java.lang.String name. Furthermore, it defines a variable to which the player’s salary is compared. It has the type of the persistence capable class that corresponds to the bean:

mypackage.PlayerEJB_170160966_JDOState player

The filter compares the salary of the current player denoted by the this keyword with the salary of the player with the specified name:

(this.salary> player.salary) && ( == name)

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:

   <query-params>java.lang.String name</query-params>
      (this.salary &gt; player.salary) &amp;&amp; ( == name)
      mypackage.PlayerEJB_170160966_JDOState player

CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions and performance optimizations that pertain to using CMP.

Disabling ORDER BY Validation

EJBQL as defined in the EJB 2.1 specification defines certain restrictions for the SELECT clause of an ORDER BY query. This ensures that a query does not order by a field that is not returned by the query. By default, the EJB QL compiler checks the above restriction and throws an exception if the query does not conform.

However, some databases support SQL statements with an ORDER BY column that is not included in the SELECT clause. To disable the validation of the ORDER BY clause against the SELECT clause, set the DISABLE_ORDERBY_VALIDATION JVM option as follows:

asadmin create-jvm-options

The DISABLE_ORDERBY_VALIDATION option is set to false by default. Setting it to true results in a non-portable module or application.

Eager Loading of Field State

By default, the EJB container loads the state for all persistent fields (excluding relationship, BLOB, and CLOB fields) before invoking the ejbLoad method of the abstract bean. This approach might not be optimal for entity objects with large state if most business methods require access to only parts of the state.

Use the fetched-with element in sun-cmp-mappings.xml for fields that are used infrequently. See "fetched-with" in Payara Server Application Deployment section.

Restrictions on Remote Interfaces

The following restrictions apply to the remote interface of an EJB 2.1 bean that uses CMP:

  • Do not expose the get and set methods for CMR fields or the persistence collection classes that are used in container-managed relationships through the remote interface of the bean. However, you are free to expose the get and set methods that correspond to the CMP fields of the entity bean through the bean’s remote interface.

  • Do not expose the container-managed collection classes that are used for relationships through the remote interface of the bean.

  • Do not expose local interface types or local home interface types through the remote interface or remote home interface of the bean.

Dependent value classes can be exposed in the remote interface or remote home interface, and can be included in the client EJB JAR file.

PostgreSQL Case Insensitivity

Case-sensitive behavior cannot be achieved for PostgreSQL databases. PostgreSQL databases internally convert all names to lower case, which makes the following workarounds necessary:

  • In the CMP 2.1 runtime, PostgreSQL table and column names are not quoted, which makes these names case-insensitive.

  • Before running the capture-schema command on a PostgreSQL database, make sure table and column names are lower case in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file.

No Support for lock-when-loaded on Sybase

For EJB 2.1 beans, the lock-when-loaded consistency level is implemented by placing update locks on the data corresponding to a bean when the data is loaded from the database. There is no suitable mechanism available on Sybase databases to implement this feature. Therefore, the lock-when-loaded consistency level is not supported on Sybase databases.

See "consistency" in the Payara Server Application Deployment section.

Sybase Finder Limitation

If a finder method with an input greater than 255 characters is executed and the primary key column is mapped to a VARCHAR column, Sybase attempts to convert type VARCHAR to type TEXT and generates the following error:

com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Implicit conversion from datatype  'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

To avoid this error, make sure the finder method input is less than 255 characters.

Date and Time Fields

If a field type is a Java date or time type (java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp), make sure that the field value exactly matches the value in the database.

For example, the following code uses a java.sql.Date type as a primary key field:

java.sql.Date myDate = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
BeanA.create(myDate, ...);

For some databases, this code results in only the year, month, and date portion of the field value being stored in the database. Later if the client tries to find this bean by primary key as follows, the bean is not found in the database because the value does not match the one that is stored in the database.

myBean = BeanA.findByPrimaryKey(myDate);

Similar problems can happen if the database truncates the timestamp value while storing it, or if a custom query has a date or time value comparison in its WHERE clause.

For automatic mapping to an Oracle database, fields of type java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, and java.sql.Time are mapped to Oracle’s DATE data type. Fields of type java.sql.Timestamp are mapped to Oracle’s TIMESTAMP data type.


For version consistency triggers on MSSQL, the property RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS must be set to false, which is the default. If set to true, it will throw a java.sql.SQLException.

Set this property as follows:

EXEC sp_dboption 'database-name', 'recursive triggers', 'FALSE'

You can test this property as follows:

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('database-name', 'IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled')

MySQL Database Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you use a MySQL database with the Payara Server for persistence.

  • MySQL treats int1 and int2 as reserved words. If you want to define int1 and int2 as fields in your table, use \`int1` and \`int2\` field names in your SQL file.

  • When VARCHAR fields get truncated, a warning is displayed instead of an error. To get an error message, start the MySQL database in strict SQL mode.

  • The order of fields in a foreign key index must match the order in the explicitly created index on the primary table.

  • The CREATE TABLE syntax in the SQL file must end with the following line:

    )  Engine=InnoDB;

    InnoDB provides MySQL with a transaction-safe (ACID compliant) storage engine having commit, rollback, and crash recovery capabilities.

  • For a FLOAT type field, the correct precision must be defined. By default, MySQL uses four bytes to store a FLOAT type that does not have an explicit precision definition. For example, this causes a number such as 12345.67890123 to be rounded off to 12345.7 during an INSERT. To prevent this, specify FLOAT(10,2) in the DDL file, which forces the database to use an eight-byte double-precision column.

  • To use || as the string concatenation symbol, start the MySQL server with the --sql-mode="PIPES_AS_CONCAT" option.

  • MySQL always starts a new connection when autoCommit==true is set. This ensures that each SQL statement forms a single transaction on its own. If you try to rollback or commit an SQL statement, you get an error message.

    javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
    Can't call rollback when autocommit=true
    javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
    Error open transaction is not closed

    To resolve this issue, add relaxAutoCommit=true to the JDBC URL.

  • Change the trigger create format from the following:

            :NEW.VERSION := :OLD.VERSION + 1;

    To the following:

            :NEW.VERSION := :OLD.VERSION + 1;
  • MySQL does not allow a DELETE on a row that contains a reference to itself. Here is an example that illustrates the issue:

    create table EMPLOYEE (
            empId   int         NOT NULL,
            salary  float(25,2) NULL,
            mgrId   int         NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (empId),
            ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
            insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);
            delete from Employee where empId = 1;

    This example fails with the following error message:

    ERROR 1217 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row:
    a foreign key constraint fails

    To resolve this issue, change the table creation script to the following:

    create table EMPLOYEE (
            empId   int         NOT NULL,
            salary  float(25,2) NULL,
            mgrId   int         NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (empId),
            ON DELETE SET NULL
            ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
            insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);
            delete from Employee where empId = 1;

    This can be done only if the foreign key field is allowed to be null.

  • When an SQL script has foreign key constraints defined, capture-schema fails to capture the table information correctly. To work around the problem, remove the constraints and then run capture-schema. Here is an example that illustrates the issue:

        OWNER   VARCHAR(256),
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    To resolve this issue, change the table creation script to the following:

        OWNER   VARCHAR(256),
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
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