Building Payara Tools VS Code IDE Plugin

The Payara Tools VS Code IDE Extension source code is available in the VS Code Extension repository.


Before building the Payara Tools VS Code extension, you will need to configure your local environment. Subsequent builds will not require these steps.

Clone the ecosystem-vscode-plugin repository

You must first clone the repository where the extension source code is stored. VS Code Extension repository

Install Yarn

Yarn is the build tool for the Payara Tools VS Code IDE Plugin and must be configured locally. Install Yarn

Install vsce

vsce is the tool to package VS Code extensions. Install vsce

Build Payara Tools

To build the Payara Tools VS Code extension, run the following commands from the root directory where the project was cloned:

  1. yarn install

  2. yarn run tslint

  3. yarn run compile

To package the extension into a file which can be added to VS Code, run the following command:

  1. vsce package

In the root directory of the project there will be a file payara-vscode-{version-number}.vsix which will be used to install into VS Code.

Install Payara Tools into VS Code

After Payara Tools for VS Code has been compiled and packaged successfully, you need to add it into the VS Code IDE.

Installing a vsix file in VS Code is as simple as right clicking the file in the explorer, and selecting Install Extension VSIX

Install VSIX File

Removing Payara Tools from VS Code

Removing Payara Tools from VS Code after installing using the method above is the same as removing any extension from VS Code.

Removing Payara Tools from VS Code
  1. Navigate to Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X)

  2. Right click Payara Tools and click Uninstall

Uninstall VS Code Extension
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