New Features
[FISH-105] Migrate EJB Timers from Live Instances
[FISH-108] Asadmin to clear out old job executions of JBatch in H2
[FISH-788] [Community Contribution Contribution - poikilotherm] Support sub-directories for MPCONFIG SecretDirConfigSource
[FISH-868] [Community Contribution Contribution - ghunteranderson] MP-JWT public key location respects HTTP cache headers
[FISH-31] HTTP/2 Support for JDK Native ALPN APIs
[FISH-886] [Community Contribution - avpinchuk] Deploy GAV from local repository
[FISH-982] Make the rollback-server command also restore the domain backup
[FISH-992] [Community Contribution - cfiguera] Default values in data source definitions when translating values
Bug Fixes
[FISH-222] HTTP2 tests from h2spec fail with timeout on HTTPS listener
[FISH-464] Race condition in Grizzly’s HTTP/2
[FISH-631] Infinite loop in Grizzly SSL handshake causing deadlock
[FISH-765] [Community Contribution - sgflt] WebModule doesn’t respect virtual server configuration
[FISH-885] OpenAPI document creation failed when using @Schema annotation with Enum
[FISH-983] Upgrade Tool says it’s upgrading remote node "localhost-domainname"
[FISH-989] Upgrade Tool Doesn’t Update Nodes of Non-default Domains
[FISH-990] OpenTracing Active Span is NULL when retrieved in EJB tracer on remote execution
[FISH-994] [Community Contribution - sgflt] Package jaxws opentracing to embedded Payara
[FISH-1017] [Community Contribution - bjetal] Payara can close JarFile instances used by current URLClassLoaders
[FISH-1018] Class Loader leaks on redeploy
[FISH-1019] [Community Contribution - bhanuunrivalled] GlassFishProperties NPE when initialised with null properties