Security Fixes
[FISH-9112] REST Interface Link Redirection via Host parameter
[FISH-9197] Sensitive information exposure when the org.glassfish.admingui LOGGER is set to FINEST level
Bug Fixes
[FISH-6579] GUI breaks and asadmin command gives "remote failure error…" while modifying TLS Settings for admin-listener and http-listener-1 on Payara Server
[FISH-9111] Required dependency of jackson-dataformat-xml is missing in micro and web
[FISH-9171] [Community Contribution - lprimak] Prevent Deployment Failures from Causing an Undeployment Failure and Leaks
[FISH-9186] Alternate Document Root not working on DFSN on Windows Server 2019
[FISH-9222] [Community Contribution - lprimak] Disable Monitoring Collection Before Server Shuts Down
[FISH-9456] Fix
Cannot find the resource bundle for the name com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.container.ejb
[FISH-9502] Application reference is getting deployed to the untargeted instance during domain restart
Component Upgrades
[FISH-8504] Upgrade Classmate to 1.7.0
[FISH-9521] Bump org.apache.bcel:bcel from 6.7.0 to 6.10.0
[FISH-9523] Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.39.1 to 9.40
[FISH-9579] Upgrade Docker JDK to 21.0.4
[FISH-9580] Upgrade Docker JDK to 11.0.24
[FISH-9581] Upgrade Docker JDK to 8u422
[FISH-9582] Upgrade Docker JDK to 17.0.12