[FISH-5927] Update Installation Directory Tooltip for Docker Nodes
[FISH-5803] Add Autocomplete for Local 'asadmin' Commands
Bug Fixes
[FISH-6025] Fix spurious callbacks "all data read" when asynchronously processing gRPC request.
[FISH-6023] Reduce the log level in our JAX-RS extension as it is causing log file pollution
[FISH-6009] Kubernetes Discovery Mode on Payara Server Doesn’t Work Anymore
[FISH-5941] Duplicate Nimbus JOSE Classes Cause java.lang.LinkageError
[FISH-5939] Application Redeployment Breaks virtual server When Using it as Default Module
[FISH-5898] Unable to Deploy Application on Payara 5 Which is Developed using Jakarta EE 9.1 and Primefaces 10
[FISH-5787] Microsoft Teams Notifier cannot be Configured on User-Created Instance due to an Invalid Command Option
[FISH-5676] Cannot Apply Default Values in @DataSourceDefinition URL via Variable Expansion