Using REST monitoring

REST monitoring uses a similar API to Jolokia, but with a subset of the features. The REST API is hosted on ${base-url}/${REST-monitoring-Context-Root}/rest, by default localhost:4848/rest-monitoring/rest.


REST monitoring supports a subset of operations defined in the Jolokia API. It will expand to include more, but the technical preview currently only supports the read operation.


The read operation reads the details of the requested MBean.

The read operation accepts GET requests on URLs in the following format:


For example, if you want to read the MBean java.lang:type=Memory on the default configuration, you would make a GET request to: http://localhost:4848/rest-monitoring/rest/read/java.lang:type=Memory.

A sample output of this request is shown below:

  "request": {
    "mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory",
    "type": "read"
  "value": {
    "HeapMemoryUsage": {
      "committed": 450363392,
      "init": 264241152,
      "max": 477626368,
      "used": 97480984
    "ObjectPendingFinalizationCount": 0,
    "NonHeapMemoryUsage": {
      "committed": 139460608,
      "init": 2555904,
      "max": -1,
      "used": 122389432
    "Verbose": false,
    "ObjectName": "java.lang:type=Memory"
  "timestamp": 1502799650273,
  "status": 200

A couple of quick notes:

  • The attribute name can be empty

  • A list of attribute names can be found in the request of an empty attribute name under value. So in the example MBean above, HeapMemoryUsage and NonHeapMemoryUsage are both attribute names.

Not supported in the current technical preview included with Payara Server


Not supported in the current technical preview included with Payara Server


Not supported in the current technical preview included with Payara Server


The version operation is not fully supported in Payara Server, but a GET request on the default operation produces similar results.

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