Deploying Applications

Deploying an Application From the Command Line

If you wish to deploy multiple packages, you must specify the --deploy again, or point to a --deploymentDir with multiple applications.

Deploying an Application Package

All Payara Micro actions are run for the Payara Micro JAR, all in one command.

To deploy a WAR file to an instance, you need to use the --deploy option, followed by the path to the application to deploy. See below for an example of starting a Payara Micro instance and deploying a WAR file:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war
The --deploy option is optional if your deployment file ends with .jar, .rar or .war therefore the command line below can also be used
java -jar payara-micro.jar /home/user/example.war

Deploying an Exploded War

An exploded WAR can be deployed to a Payara Micro instance just by specifying the path to the exploded WAR root directory on the --deploy command line or programmatically via the API. The exploded WAR can be redeployed by creating an empty .reload file in the root directory and updating its timestamp.

On a Linux OS host, a simple touch .reload command can update the timestamp of the file.

Deploying Applications from a Maven repository

You can deploy an application directly from a Maven repository using the --deployFromGAV option. This option accepts a comma separated string denoting a Maven artefact’s groupId, artifactId, and version attributes.

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT"

This option can be used multiple times, and in conjunction with the standard --deploy options.

By default, Payara Micro will only search for artefacts in the Maven Central repository. If you wish to search additional repositories, you can add them to the list of repositories to search with the --additionalRepository option:
java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT" --additionalRepository

To search through multiple additional repositories, you can use the option multiple times:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deployFromGAV "fish.payara.examples,test,1.0-SNAPSHOT" --additionalRepository --additionalRepository

Define context root

The context root of an application can be specified using the option --contextroot or by appending the path to the war-file name given with the --deploy option.

A context root set using --contextroot <context-path> option applies to the application of the first --deploy use that does not already specify a context root. Let’s take the following example:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war --contextroot hello-world

The root context of the example.war application is now set to /hello-world.

Alternatively the context root can be included in the value of the --deploy option. It follows the path to the war file separated by File.pathSeparator:

  • --deploy <war-file>:<context-path> (Linux uses :)

  • --deploy <war-file>;<context-path> (Windows uses ;)

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war:hello-world

The above command again results in the effective root context /hello-world.

The two alternative mechanisms can also be used together:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --contextroot bar
    --deploy /home/user/example.war:foo
    --deploy /home/user/test.war

Here example.war is deployed in /foo while test.war is deployed in /bar.

--deploy example.war: is identical to --deploy example.war:/ and deploys to the effective context root / while --deploy example.war deploys to /example.
It follows that leading / can be given but aren’t required. However, tailing / must not be given. Using --deploy example.war:/foo/ will render the <host>/foo/ endpoint inaccessible.

Define global context root

The global context root for all applications can be specified using the option --globalcontextroot.

Let’s take the following example:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war --contextroot hello-world --globalcontextroot api

The complete context of the example.war application is now set to /api/hello-world.

It follows that leading / can be given but aren’t required. However, tailing / must not be given.

Using Root Configuration Directory

When a configuration root directory is reused across restarts (i.e. not running in a container), it is recommended not to set up a deployment each time a Payara Micro instance is started using that directory.

Doing so will cause the application to be deployed twice: Once at startup and second time when deployment section of the command line is processed.

The best approach is to use a warmup run for deployment the first time the root directory is created:

# Perform deployments and configuration the first time
java -jar payara-micro.jar --rootdir micro-root --warmup application.war

# All further invocations do not setup deployment
java -jar payara-micro.jar --rootdir micro-root

Alternatively a launcher can be generated from a configuration root directory as well:

# Perform deployments and configuration the first time
java -jar payara-micro.jar --rootdir micro-root --warmup application.war
java -jar payara-micro.jar --rootdir micro-root --outputlauncher

# All further invocations use the launcher JAR in the configuration directory
java -jar micro-root/launch-micro.jar

Payara Micro Post Boot Output

The following information about the output made by Payara Micro after its booting has completed will be available for examination:

Deployed Apps

After Payara Micro has booted, the log output will list data about the instance and all deployed applications, which includes:

  • The name of the host machine

  • The HTTP port(s) in use by the instance

  • The HTTPS port(s) in use by the instance

  • The generated instance name

  • The instance’s group name

  • The Hazelcast member UUID

  • A list of all deployed application names and their entry-point URLs

Here is an example of this output:

[DATE:TIME+TIMEZONE] [] [INFO] [] [PayaraMicro] [tid: _ThreadID=1 _ThreadName=main] [timeMillis: EPOCHTIME] [levelValue: 800] [[[DATE:TIME+TIMEZONE] [] [INFO] [] [PayaraMicro] [tid: _ThreadID=1 _ThreadName=main] [timeMillis: EPOCHTIME] [levelValue: 800] [[
Instance Configuration
Host: Example-Host
HTTP Port(s): 8080
HTTPS Port(s):
Instance Name: Adjective-Fish
Instance Group: MicroShoal
Hazelcast Member UUID 000a0aa0-000a-0a00-000a-a00000a00aa0
Deployed: ExampleApp01 ( exampleapp01 war /exampleappendpoint1 )
Deployed: ExampleApp02 ( exampleapp02 war /exampleappendpoint2 )

[DATE:TIME+TIMEZONE] [] [INFO] [] [PayaraMicro] [tid: _ThreadID=1 _ThreadName=main] [timeMillis: EPOCHTIME] [levelValue: 800] [[[DATE:TIME+TIMEZONE] [] [INFO] [] [PayaraMicro] [tid: _ThreadID=1 _ThreadName=main] [timeMillis: EPOCHTIME] [levelValue: 800] [[

Payara Micro URLs
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