Supported Platforms

Though it is always possible for new versions to be supported, this page details the JVMs currently supported by the Payara Platform (both Payara Server and Payara Micro).

Supported Java Virtual Machines

The Payara Platform currently runs on the following Java Virtual Machines:

  • Azul Zulu JDK: 11 (11.0.12+), 17 (17.34/17.0.3+), 21 (21.30/21.0.1+)

  • Oracle JDK: 11 (11.0.12+), 17 (17.0.3+), 21 (21.0.1+)

  • Amazon Corretto: 11 (11.0.12+), 17 (17.0.3+), 21 (21.0.1+)

  • Adopt Open JDK: 11 (11.0.12+), 17 (17.0.3+), 21 (21.0.1+)

  • Adopt Open JDK with Eclipse Open J9: 11 (11.0.12+), 17 (17.0.3+), 21 (21.0.1+)

  • Any other JVM based on OpenJDK 11.0.12+ or 17.0.3+ or 21.0.1+

The Payara Platform runs on the x64 and arm64 variants of the above JVMs.

Supported Operating Systems

The Payara Platform currently runs on the following Operating Systems in all the versions listed below and all their newer versions:

  • Windows

    • Windows 7+

    • Windows Server 2008+

  • Linux

    • Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS+

    • Debian 7 (Wheezy)+

    • CentOS 6+

    • RHEL 5+

    • OpenSUSE 42.2+

    • SUSE 11.4, 12.2+, 15.0+

    • Amazon Linux (all versions)

  • Other

    • MacOS(OSX) 10.10.5 (Yosemite)+

    • IBM AIX 7.1+

In general, any Payara Platform distribution runs on any system supported by at least one of the JVMs it runs on.

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