Release notes - Payara Platform Enterprise 6.16.0

Supported APIs and Applications

  • Jakarta EE 10

  • Jakarta EE 10 Applications

  • MicroProfile 6.1


  • [FISH-8342] Support YAML format for Hazelcast Configuration file

  • [FISH-8855] Auto Name Deployment Group

Bug Fixes

  • [FISH-6472] [Community Contribution - myresd] Fix Exception When Datasource Isolationlevel TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED is Used

  • [FISH-8334] [Data Grid] Can’t start 2nd instance on the node when Auto Increment Port is disabled.

  • [FISH-8399] Symbolic links do not work when allowLinking property is set to true

  • [FISH-8437] Fix asadmin --help command fails

  • [FISH-8672] [Community Contribution - lprimak] Fix Class Loader Leaks

  • [FISH-8728] [Community Contribution - pzygielo] Allow Host in JDWP Agent Address

  • [FISH-8736] Fix Incomplete deployment of the war file with webservices

  • [FISH-8794] Fix Data grid members not showing in Admin Console of Payara Server running on Docker

  • [FISH-8811] [Community Contribution - lprimak] Properly Clean Up ContainerBackgroundSessionProcessor Threads after Application is Undeployed

  • [FISH-8953] Fix Incorrect Unprocessed Change Showing for Hazelcast Encryption Settings

Component Upgrades

  • [FISH-8856] Upgrade Jakarta XML WS API to 4.0.2

  • [FISH-8860] Upgrade Kotlin Stdlib to 2.0.0

  • [FISH-8861] Upgrade Exousia to 2.1.2

  • [FISH-8871] Upgrade Felix SCR to 2.2.12

  • [FISH-8872] Upgrade Arquillian Connectors to 3.0

  • [FISH-8934] Upgrade Angus Mail to 1.1.0

  • [FISH-8954] Upgrade EclipseLink ASM to 9.7