Eclipse MicroProfile Rest Client API

Since Payara Server and 5.182

Provided version of the API: MicroProfile Rest Client 1.3


The MicroProfile Rest Client provides a type-safe approach to invoke RESTful services over HTTP. An aim of this specification is to provide a much more natural coding style, with the underlying MicroProfile implementation handling the communication between the client and service.

The Eclipse MicroProfile Rest Client repository contains a number of examples and information about how to use this API.


Full MicroProfile documentation available here

Rest Client interfaces may be injected as CDI beans. To do this, you must first register your interface class by using the @RegisterRestClient annotation, and then use the @RestClient qualifier on the injected bean, like so:

public interface MyServiceClient {
    Response greet();

public class MyService {
    private MyServiceClient client;


Full MicroProfile documentation available here

It is possible for Rest Client interface methods to be declared asynchronous. This allows the thread invoking the interface method to proceed while the RESTful request occurs on another thread.

Any method of the interface class is deemed an asynchonronous method if it has a return type of CompletionStage.


Full MicroProfile documentation available here

The RestClientBuilder interface extends the Configurable interface from JAX-RS, allowing a user to register custom providers while it’s being built. Payara Server and Micro support the following provider types:

  • ClientRequestFilter

  • ClientResponseFilter

  • MessageBodyReader

  • MessageBodyWriter

  • ParamConverter

  • ReaderInterceptor

  • WriterInterceptor

  • ResponseExceptionMapper

See the full MicroProfile documentation for the registration methods.

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