Payara VSCode Extension
Payara Platform provides the Payara VSCode extension to integrate Payara Server Enterprise and Payara Micro Enterprise into Visual Studio Code. The extension is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Installing Payara VSCode extension
You can install extensions from Extensions view (Ctrl + Shift + X) in the activity bar of VS Code:
Click Extensions on the left-most menu of the editor: image::vscode-extension/install-marketplace.png[alt=Visual Studio Marketplace, width="60%"]
On the Marketplace side-panel, search for the Payara extension.
Click the Install button.
Payara Server - Payara VSCode extension enables developers to easily configure Payara Server and manage applications from the Visual Studio Code.
Payara Micro - Payara VSCode extension provides first-class support to create and run Payara Micro maven web applications from the VSCode which is the microservices-ready version of the Payara Server.