Jakarta EE 9 Support
In this release, we have fixed several issues relating to our Jakarta EE 9 Web Component (Servlet, JSTL and JSF) support through Eclipse Transformer. This is as a part of our ongoing effort to close the migration gap between major Jakarta versions before we provide full support for Jakarta EE 9. We encourage users to try updating their applications to Jakarta EE 9 with Eclipse Transformer, and raising any discovered bugs on our Github issue tracker.
New Feature
[FISH-1064] Asadmin to clear out old job executions of JBatch in all supported databases
[FISH-1079] [Community Contribution - poikilotherm] Make MPCONFIG in TranslatedConfigView debugable
[FISH-1094] [Community Contribution - avpinchuk] Make Micro boot-time deployment more reliable
[FISH-1171] Make Enabled Parameter of set-healthcheck-configuration Command Optional
[FISH-1172] Make Enabled Parameter of set-admin-audit-configuration Command Optional
[FISH-1186] Support server-node Docker Image within Kubernetes
[FISH-1213] Remove "Data Grid Group Password" as no longer used with Hazelcast 4.x
Bug Fixes
[FISH-514] Fix Inconsistent behaviour when a domain backup is created
[FISH-625] Jakarta EE 9: Jakarta Faces Sevlet definition not supported
[FISH-760] MicroProfile OpenAPI application not detected
[FISH-984] Max Wait Time isn’t respected when the JDBC pool is locked for a long time
[FISH-1014] [Community Contribution - thehpi] Variables in @DatasourceDefinition not applied to 'className'
[FISH-1061] Fix NullPointer when Configuring a Notifier against a non-DAS Instance or Config
[FISH-1069] Fix Fault Tolerance service parameters and documentation
[FISH-1084] NullPointerException when getting monitoring data for JDBC
[FISH-1158] OpenAPI document creation failed when using @Schema annotation with Enum missing a nullcheck
[FISH-1173] Fix NullPointerException on Boot
[FISH-1177] Undeploy servlet NPE race condition
[FISH-1178] Failure to load resources by applications in parallel
[FISH-1181] Fix Conflicting --port Parameters in set-snmp-notifier-configuration/notification-snmp-configure Command
[FISH-1182] Fix Conflicting --port Parameters in set-xmpp-notifier-configuration/notification-xmpp-configure Command
[FISH-1192] Jakarta EE 9: Duplicate entry ZipException is thrown on transforming web application servlet\_plu\_singlethreadmodel\_web.war
[FISH-1193] Jakarta EE 9: jakarta.servlet.http.* imports ignored by Payara transformer in JSP files
[FISH-1194] Jakarta EE 9: IllegalArgumentException jakarta.mail.Session is not an allowed property value type
[FISH-1196] Jakarta EE 9: Servlet Constant value namespace transformation ignored e.g jakarta.servlet.context.tempdir
[FISH-1205] Jakarta EE9: JSTL classes transformation is ignored in tld file
[FISH-1206] Jakarta EE9: JSF constants transformation is ignored