New Features
[APPSERV-20] MicroProfile ConfigSource for Payara Variable Expressions
[APPSERV-124] Monitoring Console Server Side Configuration and Sharing
[APPSERV-149] Add Command to Generate Self-Signed Certificate
[APPSERV-54] Print a Warning if Data Grid Encryption is Enabled without a Key
[APPSERV-57] MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 2.1
[APPSERV-58] MicroProfile Config 1.4
[APPSERV-59] MicroProfile Metrics 2.3
[APPSERV-60] MicroProfile Health 2.2
[APPSERV-61] MicroProfile Rest Client 1.4
[APPSERV-141] Add Caching to MicroProfile Config
[APPSERV-143] Update Enterprise and Community Branding
[APPSERV-146] Monitoring Console: Bookmarkable Page URLs
[APPSERV-148] Monitoring Console MP Metrics Metadata as MC Annotations
[CUSTCOM-166] CDI deployment failure when to use @RolesPermitted in Faces backing bean
[CUSTCOM-235] Stop Hazelcast being started twice to improve Micro boot times
[CUSTCOM-238] Support JSP on Payara Micro Docker
[FISH-1332] Allow Executing 'preboot' and 'postboot' Commands over Payara Micro API
Bug Fixes
[APPSERV-55] Fix Fault Tolerance Bulkheads Race Conditions
[APPSERV-114] Race condition in InvocationManager
[APPSERV-142] Payara Micro doesn’t shutdown when invoked with –warmup
[CUSTCOM-12] Unexpected errors when updating SSH node security properties
[CUSTCOM-22] HTTP/2 Push Can’t be Disabled
[CUSTCOM-133] Accessing a URL before any application is deployed disables JASPIC SAM authentication
[CUSTCOM-179] PrimeFaces AutoSelect Event is Null within Custom Component
[CUSTCOM-194] The delete-jvm-options command shouldn’t require to specify the Java version prefix
[CUSTCOM-205] On ZuluJDK 8.44, accessing HTTPS gives NoSuchMethodError
[CUSTCOM-213] generate-encryption-key Command Always Creates Key for Default Domain
[CUSTCOM-219] Fix support for set-batch-runtime-configuration --schemaName for MySql and Postgres
[CUSTCOM-223] Datagrid Encryption Enabled Message Printed even if it isn’t
[CUSTCOM-237] In Weld, parallel execution mode for async observers doesn’t trigger all observers (IllegalStateException: Security context is already associated)
[CUSTCOM-247] Custom realm defined in web.xml isn’t used for SOAP services secured using WS security policy
[CUSTCOM-253] Patch ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException defect in Mojarra
[CUSTCOM-254] NumberFormatException when parsing a HTTP header in metrics
[CUSTCOM-260] [Community Contribution - sgflt] Deadlock in HA session management
[CUSTCOM-261] Remove jakarta.transaction.cdi:jakarta.transaction.cdi-api from Payara BOM as it is wrong
[CUSTCOM-262] HZ_LISTENER_PORT property error when setting system properties via the admin console
[CUSTCOM-263] HTTPS doesn’t work on JDK 8u252
[CUSTCOM-264] Client mode debugging (server=no) doesn’t work with JDK>=9
[CUSTCOM-265] Starting the domain with JSON Log formatter causes the server log to rotate
[CUSTCOM-266] JSP/JSF startup issues when using Payara Micro RootDir launcher
[CUSTCOM-271] Metric endpoint fails to parse Accept header from Telegraf
[CUSTCOM-273] Support for all AjaxBehaviourEvent classes, extension to CUSTCOM-179
[CUSTCOM-284] Remove Expired Certificates
[ECOSYS-157] OpenID Connect Caller’s name and groups are null
[ECOSYS-161] [Community Contribution - NikitaZ] OAuth2AccessToken empty instance injected
Component Upgrades
[APPSERV-80] Upgrade Weld to 3.1.4.Final
[APPSERV-109] Update EclipseLink to 2.7.6
[APPSERV-110] Update Grizzly to 2.4.4
[CUSTCOM-40] Upgrade to Yasson 1.0.6
[CUSTCOM-211] Upgrade Trilead SSH 2 to support ECDSA keys