MicroProfile 4.0
As MicroProfile moves toward the 4.0 final release, the Payara team has simultaneously been working to ready the Payara Platform for MicroProfile 4.0 compatibility. In this Payara Platform Community Release, you can give two of the MicroProfile specification release candidates a try: MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT Auth 1.2. This technically breaks MicroProfile 3.3 support, although functionally the MicroProfile 3.3 TCK will only fail on the @Health
annotation removal.
Production Domain Removal
As part of our ongoing effort to reduce bloat in Payara Community Edition, we have removed the production domain from the distributions. The template for this domain (common/templates/gf/production-domain.jar
) is still available, although this too will be removed in a future release. Note that Payara Enterprise Edition will still contain the production domain.
Security fixes
[FISH-731] Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 6.1.5.Final
Bug Fixes
[FISH-206] @RolesAllowed annotation in method prevents unauthenticated calls to other methods in remote EJB
[FISH-275] Deployment fails if system properties in persistence.xml are only defined in the target config and not in DAS config
[FISH-431] OpenAPI document shows ejb-timer-service-app as server URL when EJB timer available
[FISH-657] No <deploymentgroup> element When deploy WebServices
[FISH-747] Azure Secret Secret Configuration screen on Web Admin console fails
[FISH-761] [Community Contribution - bjetal] Deployment of unpacked WAB fails when using Felix fileinstall
[FISH-763] [Community Contribution - sgflt] Embedded Payara is unable to start
[FISH-766] [Community Contribution - sgflt] Improper synchronization of session map
[FISH-767] Missing ejb-opentracing.jar in manifest of gf-client.jar
[FISH-777] [Community Contribution - avpinchuk] Exclude OpenAPI rest endpoint from tracing