Our highlights for the 162 release are our new asadmin command recorder, Payara Server’s new ability to create uber jars and a new EAR scoped class loader.
The asadmin recorder feature will allow you view the commands you have run from the admin console. These can be used to investigate what the console is really doing or used in automation scripts.
Payara Micro now has --outputUberJar option that allows you to create easily distributed uber-jars from your war files.
EAR Scoped classloader that loads classes from within the EAR providing the ability to override server classes.
Payara Server and Payara Micro can now cluster together enabling new cluster topologies for cloud based and/or containerised deployments!
New Features
This section details the newly developed additions to Payara Server.
Updated Modules
This section details the modules that have been updated since the last release (
Guava 18.0
Weld 2.3.2.Final
Tyrus 1.12
hk2 2.4.0
Mojarra 2.2.13 * Grizzly 2.3.24 * Hazelcast 3.6.2
This section details the issues marked as enhancements that have been implemented for this release.
602/PAYARA-639 - Unique IDs are kept based on the name of the EJB
711/PAYARA-576 - Integrate upstream pull request for the 4.1.162 release
718/PAYARA-745 - Fix isSupportClientInfo in ConnectionHolder40 for old drivers
733/PAYARA-743 - Prevent duplicate server respawn when run under supervision
745/PAYARA-720 - plugin versions upgraded for to be compatible with maven upgrade
750/PAYARA-688 - Add ability to pass a system properties file to Payara Micro
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues marked as bugs that have been fixed for this release.
Payara Fixes
This section details the fixes implemented by the Payara team or community.
640/PAYARA-658 - GLASSFISH-20818: Pass passwords from passwordfile to commands
658/PAYARA-542 - Cannot enable secure ciphers for admin listener
659/PAYARA-588 - Excessive logging from the ASURL classloader
672/PAYARA-631 - rollbacked pax-logging and patched the webservices-osgi again
678/PAYARA-663 - Cannot find resource bundle com.sun.logging.enterprise.resource.corba
681/PAYARA-659 - Fix failing transaction recovery when OSGi applications are present
682/PAYARA-671 Always perform clean up on application on DAS upon undeployment
683/PAYARA-660 - Resolve com.sun.aas.instanceName in JVM arguments
695/PAYARA-637 - Only-1-Health-Check-Service-is-run-if-no-name-is-specified
698/PAYARA-661 - empty value for sql-trace-listeners in a connection-pool fails validation
702/PAYARA-670 - Payara not showing modules for versioned application
709/PAYARA-606 explicitly set TCCL before attempting Batch repository purge on undeployment
716/PAYARA-744 - Fixed logging dependencies of several modules
717 - isSupportClientInfo in ConnectionHolder40 is not implemented correctly
727/PAYARA-684 - enabled initializing FacesInitializer while using useBundledJsf param
729/PAYARA-693 - Payara micro: setting SSL trustStore / keyStore manually
734/PAYARA-696 - added default name to connection pool checker
735/PAYARA-494 - Help button displays wrong page and pop-up page is fixed
740/PAYARA-652 - ensure rootDir option does not override domainCofig option
743/PAYARA-636 - setting values for the checker services dynamically is now working correctly
752/PAYARA-662 - Set TLSv1.2 as default for the asadmin client
757/PAYARA-601 - changed warning note in asenv.conf/asenv.bat
761/PAYARA-727 - Fixed GLASSFISH-21536 possible NPE in SQLTraceRecord
762/PAYARA-717 - invokeMethod now depends on getDeclaredMethod as recursive instead of getMethod
766/PAYARA-708 - Admin-console-still-shows-Grizzly-Snoop-option-despite-the-feature-being-removed
783/PAYARA-738 - references to weld osgi bundle.jar should be fixed
Known Issues
Known issues can be seen on our GitHub issues page here: https://github.com/payara/Payara/issues