Clustered Singleton

Since versions and 5.181

The Payara API provides a @Clustered annotation that makes @ApplicationScoped CDI beans or @Singleton EJB beans cluster-wide. This allows a single bean to be shared across an entire cluster.

How It Works

The singleton bean is deployed and will be available to all members of the cluster. Prior to any call to this bean, its latest version will be retrieved from a Hazelcast map, which will be possibly updated after the call is finished. In order to avoid race conditions or data corruption, a Hazelcast distributed lock for the bean will be optionally acquired so that only one method call can be executed in the cluster at a time.

@Clustered and EJB Timers

Persistent EJB Timers (which are the default) will work correctly with clustered singletons since they will only be executed in a single node of the cluster

@Clustered and @Startup / @Initialized @ApplicationScoped

Care must be taken in this scenario. By default, @PostConsctuct is called for every instance in the cluster for these beans. This behavior needs to be disabled by using @Clustered(callPostConstructOnAttach = false) and possibly callPreDestoyOnDetach = false as well, so only the @PostConstcut method will be called only once per cluster. @Observed @Initialzed methods are called for every instance in the cluster. The only valid method for cluster-wide initialization is @PostConstruct method configured as described above.

CDI Considerations and Notes

Since there are no default locks for CDI, @Clustered CDI @ApplicationScoped beans do not have distributed locks on by default. It is highly recommended to enable distributed locks for CDI Clustered beans: @Clustered(lock = DistributedLockType.LOCK) so there is no chance of race condition / data corruption for CDI Clustered beans

Requirements and assumption

  • Hazelcast is required to be enabled (default on Payara 5)

  • @Clustered only works with @ApplicationScoped or @Singleton annotation, and in no other circumstance

  • All fields in the @Clustered @Singleton class need to be correctly Serializable

  • Works correctly only if accessed via @Injected proxy, not through direct access

  • Works with EJB timers correctly only if all timers are persistent (default)

  • All method calls to @Clustered beans operate on a local instance

  • Data corruption is possible if distributed lock is turned off and there is a race condition between method calls to the same bean on multiple cluster nodes simultaneously. In such a case, last method call wins the singleton state

  • Clustered singletons are stored in Hazelcast map under "Payara/(EJB/CDI)/singleton/<singletonComponentName>/[lock]"


A singleton bean is made cluster-wide by annotating the class with the @fish.payara.cluster.Clustered qualifier as well as it’s scope annotation.

Alternatively, you can use the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml to configure a Singleton EJB to be cluster-wide.


An example for a CDI bean:

public class ClusterSingletonBean implements Serializable {


An example for a Singleton EJB:

public class ClusterSingletonBean implements Serializable {


An example for a Singleton EJB using glassfish-ejb.jar (clustered-key-name is optional):



The @Clustered annotation has several configuration options. They are detailed below.

Table 1. Configuration Options
Option XML element Description Default



The key in the distributed map to bind the clustered object to.

The name of the bean. If the bean is a CDI bean and has no assigned name, the bean class name will be used.



The type of distributed locking to be performed. For EJB beans, only INHERIT and LOCK_NONE are valid. For CDI beans, valid values are LOCK and INHERIT, which is equivalent to using LOCK_NONE.




Whether to call @PostConstruct each time the bean is created on a different node. Will result in multiple calls.




Whether to call @PreDestroy when the singleton is destroyed on an instance while still being available on another. Will result in multiple calls.


Distributed Locking

Clustered singleton beans allow a locking type, to specify how the distributed object is locked when being accessed by multiple instances. The lock options are members of the class fish.payara.cluster.DistributedLockType, which are as follows:

  • LOCK - Distributed locking will be performed.

  • LOCK_NONE - No distributed locking will be performed.

  • INHERIT - The locking behaviour will be inherited from the inherited class.

By default, @Singleton EJBs will use a distributed lock, and @ApplicationScoped CDI beans won’t.

When a distributed object is locked, it will only be written by one thread across the entire cluster at any one time. Locks use system resources, but prevent synchronisation errors with the singleton data.

If a member holding a lock goes offline, the lock will become available again.


Transactions in a clustered singleton work the same way that they would work in EJB or CDI depending on which scope annotation you’re using. Transactions are not distributed through the whole cluster. When a transaction is created in a thread in one JVM, it must be handled and closed in the same thread; it cannot be passed onto a different server instance. Once the transaction is closed, the changes will be replicated to the rest of the cluster.

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