Payara Platform


List the current members of the Data Grid visible to the domain.


asadmin [asadmin-options] list-hazelcast-cluster-members
[--type type]


This command can be used to list the current members of the Data Grid in a formatted table.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Specifies the type of cluster members to list, which will be either server or micro. The default value is both.


Example 1 List the current members of the Data Grid visible to the domain

asadmin> list-hazelcast-cluster-members --type server
Instance Name  Instance Group  Instance Type  Host Name     HTTP Ports  HTTPS Ports  Admin Port  Hazelcast Port  Lite Member  Deployed Applications  Last Heartbeat
instance1      MicroShoal      INSTANCE       /  28080       28181        24848       2900            false                               2024-03-26 01:23:23
server         MicroShoal      DAS            /  8080        8181         4848        4900            false        __admingui             2024-03-26 01:23:20
Command list-hazelcast-cluster-members executed successfully.
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