Payara Platform


Removes the lifecycle module.


asadmin [asadmin-options] delete-lifecycle-module [--help]
[--target target] module_name


The delete-lifecycle-module subcommand removes a lifecycle module. A lifecycle module provides a means of running a short or long duration Java-based task at a specific stage in the server life cycle. This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Indicates the location where the lifecycle module is to be deleted. Valid values are

  • server- Specifies the default server instance as the target for deleting the lifecycle module. server is the name of the default server instance and is the default value for this option.

  • cluster_name - Specifies a particular cluster as the target for deleting the lifecycle module.

  • instance_name - Specifies a particular server instance as the target for deleting the lifecycle module.



This operand is a unique identifier for the deployed server lifecycle event listener module.


Example 1 Deleting a Lifecycle Module

The following example deletes a lifecycle module named customSetup.

asadmin> delete-lifecycle-module customSetup
Command delete-lifecycle-module executed successfully

Exit Status


command executed successfully


error in executing the command

See Also

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