[FISH-152] - Mark applications as "unavailable" as soon as they are disabled
[FISH-520] - InSight QOL: Add Warning Icon to Confirmation Dialogs
[FISH-521] - InSight QOL: Adjust Used Font Sizes for More Consistent User Experience
[FISH-522] - InSight QOL: Improve the Flow of Newly Created Pages
[FISH-523] - InSight QOL: Renaming a Watch should not leave Watch with old name behind
[FISH-651] - Allow JWT verification to skip type validation
[FISH-732] - Improve message when same name is used in metrics.xml for exposed AMX bean.
[FISH-752] - Payara InSight: Aggregated History (sliding windows)
Bug Fixes
[FISH-68] - @DatasourceDefinition not picking MicroProfile Configuration properties
[FISH-206] - @RolesAllowed annotation in method prevents unauthenticated calls to other methods in remote EJB
[FISH-275] - Deployment fails if system properties in persistence.xml are only defined in the target config and not in DAS config
[FISH-657] - no <deploymentgroup> element When deploy WebServices
[FISH-761] - [Community - bjetal] Deployment of unpacked WAB fails when using Felix fileinstall
[FISH-763] - [Community - sgflt] Embedded Payara is unable to start
[FISH-767] - Missing ejb-opentracing.jar in manifest of gf-client.jar
[FISH-777] - [Community - avpinchuk] Exclude OpenAPI rest endpoint from tracing