The Hogging Threads and the Stuck Threads checkers are special on their configuration. They do not have a threshold range configuration, instead opting for different attributes.
Here’s a configuration sample of the Hogging Threads checker:
The following are the attributes used to configure this checker:
- Threshold Percentage
Defines the minimum percentage needed to decide if the thread is hogged CPU-wise. The percentage is calculated with the ratio of elapsed CPU time to checker execution interval. Its default value is 95.
- Retry Count
Represents the count value that should be reached by the hogged thread in order for the service to send notifications. Its default value is 3
And here’s a configuration sample for the Stuck Threads checker:
The following are the attributes used to configure this checker:
- Threshold Time
Defines the time value for which a thread can be non-responsive before it is considered stuck. It’s default value is 5.
- Threshold Unit
Defines the time unit for the value of the Threshold Time field. It’s default value is Minutes.