Payara Platform

Payara IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Payara IntelliJ IDEA tools provide integration of the Payara Platform into IntelliJ IDEA. The extension is available in the JetBrains Plugins Marketplace.

Installing Payara IntelliJ plugin

  1. You can install plugin from the main menu File > Settings > Plugins dialog

  2. In the Plugins dialog, switch to the Marketplace tab.

  3. In the dialog that opens, search for Payara Tools.

  4. Click the Install button: Visual Studio Marketplace

  5. Click OK and apply the changes, and restart IntelliJ IDEA if prompted.

Payara Platform Tools

  • Payara Server - Payara IntelliJ plugin enables developers to easily configure Payara Server and manage applications from IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Payara Micro - Payara IntelliJ plugin provides the support to create, run and debug Payara Micro applications from IntelliJ IDEA. Payara Micro is the microservices-ready version of the Payara Server.

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