
Tests the connection over DCOM to a remote host.


asadmin [asadmin-options] validate-dcom [--help]
[--windowsuser windows-user] [--windowsdomain windows-domain]
[--remotetestdir remote-test-directory]
[--verbose={false|true}] host-name


The validate-dcom subcommand tests the connection over the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) remote protocol to the remote host that is specified as the operand of the subcommand. The DCOM protocol is available only on Windows systems.

The prerequisites for running this subcommand are as follows:

  • DCOM must be configured on the host where the domain administration server (DAS) is running and on the remote host that is specified as the operand of the subcommand.

  • The following ports must be open on the remote host:

    • DCOM port 135 or 139

    • Windows Shares port 445

  • The Server Windows Service is enabled on the remote host.

This subcommand verifies whether the prerequisites for creating a DCOM node or creating a Payara Server instance on a DCOM node are met. If this subcommand fails, any attempt to create a DCOM node or create an instance on a DCOM node will also fail.

You may run this command from any machine that can contact the DAS.

The subcommand tests the connection over DCOM to the remote host by performing the following operations on the remote host:

  • Resolving the host name

  • Connecting to DCOM through port 135 or 139

  • Connecting to Windows Shares through port 445

  • Copying a script that is named delete_me.bat in the folder that is specified by the --remotetestdir option

  • Running the script to obtain a listing of the folder in which the delete_me.bat was written

By default, the subcommand displays no information about the operations that are performed to test the connection to the remote host. To display information about these operations, set the --verbose option to true.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


The user on the remote host that is to run the process for connecting to that host through DCOM. The default is the user that is running the DAS process.


The name of the Windows domain that contains the user that the --windowsuser option specifies. The default is the name of the host on which the subcommand is run.


Specifies the folder on the remote host in which the subcommand creates the delete_me.bat file. The user that the --windowsuser option specifies must have write access to this folder. Otherwise an error occurs. The default is C:\


Specifies whether the subcommand displays information about the operations that are performed to test the connection to the remote host.
Possible values are as follows:


No information about the operations that are performed to test the connection is displayed (default).


The subcommand displays information about the operations that are performed to test the connection.
If the --verbose option is true and the AS_DEBUG environment variable is set, the subcommand also displays the command line for each process that is running on the remote host.



The name of the host to which to test the connection over DCOM.


Example 1 Testing the Connection Over DCOM to a Remote Host

This example tests the connection over DCOM to the host wpmdl2.

asadmin> validate-dcom --wpmdl2
Command validate-dcom executed successfully.

Example 2 Verbosely Testing the Connection Over DCOM to a Remote Host

This example tests the connection over DCOM to the host wpmdl2 and displays information about the operations that are performed to test the connection to the remote host.

asadmin> validate-dcom --verbose wpmdl2

Successfully resolved host name to: wpmdl2/
Successfully connected to DCOM Port at port 135 on host wpmdl2.
Successfully connected to NetBIOS Session Service at port 139 on host wpmdl2.
Successfully connected to Windows Shares at port 445 on host wpmdl2.
Successfully accessed C: on wpmdl2 using DCOM.
Successfully wrote delete_me.bat to C: on wpmdl2 using DCOM.
Successfully accessed WMI (Windows Management Interface) on wpmdl2. There are 40
processes running on wpmdl2.
Successfully ran the test script on wpmdl2 using DCOM.
The script simply ran the DIR command. Here are the first few lines from the
output of the dir command on the remote machine:

C:\Windows\system32>dir C:\
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is XXXX-XXX

 Directory of C:\

12/05/2011  10:21 AM                63 .asadminpass
02/15/2011  01:08 PM    <DIR>          aroot
12/05/2011  04:43 PM                 8 delete_me.bat
03/03/2011  10:36 AM    <DIR>          export

Command validate-dcom executed successfully.

Exit Status


command executed successfully


error in executing the command

See Also

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