
This subcommand has been retained from Oracle GlassFish’s original integration with external load balancers, but it has no proper integration functionality in Payara Server. Hence, it is not intended to be used in any way.
The documentation in this page may not be accurate.

Deletes the cluster or server instance from a load balancer.


asadmin [asadmin-options] delete-http-lb-ref [--help]
--config config_name | --lbname load_balancer_name
[--force=false] target


Use the delete-http-lb-ref subcommand to remove a reference to a cluster or standalone server instance from a load balancer configuration or load balancer. So that you do not interrupt user requests, make sure the standalone server instance or all server instances in the cluster are disabled before you remove them from the load balancer configuration. If the force option is set to true, the references are deleted even if server instances or clusters are enabled.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Specifies which load balancer configuration to delete cluster and server instance references from.
Specify either a load balancer configuration or a load balancer. Specifying both results in an error.


Specifies the load balancer to delete cluster and server instance references from.
Specify either a load balancer configuration or a load balancer. Specifying both results in an error.


If force is set to true, then the references are deleted even if there are currently enabled applications or instances. The default is false.



Specifies which cluster or instance to remove from the load balancer. Valid values are:

  • cluster_name - The name of a target cluster.

  • instance_name - The name of a target server instance.


Example 1 Deleting a Cluster Reference from a Load Balancer Configuration

This example deletes the reference to cluster named cluster2 from a load balancer configuration named mycluster-http-lb-config.

asadmin> delete-http-lb-ref --config mycluster-http-lb-config cluster2

Command delete-http-lb-ref executed successfully.

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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