
Updates the configuration data of a DCOM node.


asadmin [asadmin-options] update-node-dcom [--help]
[--nodehost node-host]
[--installdir as-install-parent] [--nodedir node-dir]
[--windowsuser windows-user] [--windowsdomain windows-domain]


The update-node-dcom subcommand updates the configuration data of a node. This subcommand requires the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) remote protocol to be configured on the host where the domain administration server (DAS) is running and on the host where the node resides. The DCOM protocol is available only on Windows systems.You may run this subcommand from any host that can contact the DAS.

This subcommand can update any node, regardless of whether the node is enabled for remote communication. If the node is not enabled for remote communication, the subcommand enables DCOM communication for the node and updates any other specified configuration data.

Options of this subcommand specify the new values of the node’s configuration data. The default for most options is to leave the existing value unchanged. However, if this subcommand is run to enable DCOM communication for a node, default values are applied if any of the following options is omitted:

  • --windowsuser

  • --windowsdomain

By default, the subcommand fails and the node is not updated if the DAS cannot contact the node’s host through DCOM. To force the node to be updated even if the host cannot be contacted through DCOM, set the`--force` option to true.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


The name of the host that the node is to represent after the node is updated.


The full path to the parent of the base installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host, for example, /export/payara6/.


The path to the directory that is to contain Payara Server instances that are created on the node. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the as-install directory, where as-install is the base installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host.


The user on this node’s host that is to run the process for connecting to the host through DCOM. The default depends on whether this subcommand is run to enable DCOM communication for the node:

  • If the node is already enabled for communication over DCOM, the default is to leave the user unchanged.

  • If this subcommand is run to enable DCOM communication for the node, the default is the user that is running the DAS process.
    If the --nodehost option is set to localhost, the --windowsuser option is ignored.


The name of the Windows domain that contains the user that the --windowsuser option specifies. The default depends on whether this subcommand is run to enable DCOM communication for the node:

  • If the node is already enabled for communication over DCOM, the default is to leave the domain unchanged.

  • If this subcommand is run to enable DCOM communication for the node, the default is the name of the host on which the subcommand is run.


Specifies whether the node is updated even if validation of the node’s parameters fails. To validate a node’s parameters, the DAS must be able to contact the node’s host through DCOM. Possible values are as follows:


The node is not updated if validation of the node’s parameters fails (default).


The node is updated even if validation of the node’s parameters fails.



The name of the node to update. The node must exist. Otherwise, an error occurs.


Example 1 Updating the Host That a Node Represents

This example updates the host that the node wpmdl1 represents to wj01.

asadmin> update-node-dcom --nodehost wj01 wpmdl1
Command update-node-dcom executed successfully.

Example 2 Forcing the Update of a Node

This example forces the update of the node xkyd to enable the node to communicate over DCOM.

asadmin> update-node-dcom --force xkyd
Warning: some parameters appear to be invalid.
Could not find a remote Payara Server installation on host: xkyd.example.com at
Continuing with node update due to use of --force.
Command update-node-dcom executed successfully.
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