
Enables or disables the Healthcheck of a specific performance metric service.


asadmin [asadmin-options] set-healthcheck-service-configuration
[--target target]


Enables and disables the monitoring of a HealthCheck performance metric service. The command also configures the frequency of monitoring for that metric.

The command can also be used to configures performance metric specific properties.

If this command is run before running the set-healthcheck-configuration command, it will succeed and the configuration will be saved, but the Healthcheck service will not be enabled until the command is used.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


This option helps specify the target on which you are configuring the Healthcheck performance metric service. Valid values are:


Applies to the default server instance. This is the default value.


Applies to every server instance in the cluster.


Applies to a specified server instance.


Defaults to false. Enables or disables the healthcheck performance metric service


Defaults to false. When set to true, applies the changes without a server restart.


The performance service metric name. Required.

One of:

  • connection-pool or cp

  • cpu-usage or cu

  • garbage-collector or gc

  • heap-memory-usage or hmu

  • hogging-threads or ht

  • machine-memory-usage or mmu

  • stuck-thread or st

  • mp-health or mh

  • mp-metrics or mm


A user determined name for easy identification of the checker.

This should be unique among the services you have configured, to avoid confusion on the notification messages.

Depends on the service checker. One of:

  • CONP

  • CPUC

  • GBGC

  • HEAP

  • HOGT

  • MEMM

  • MP

  • MPM


Defaults to false. When enabled, the checker results are displayed on MicroProfile Health REST endpoints as a readiness check.


Defaults to 5. The amount of time units that the service will use to periodically monitor the metric.


Defaults to MINUTES. The time unit to set the frequency of the metric monitoring.

Must correspond to a valid java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

Defaults to 90. The threshold value that this metric must surpass to generate a CRITICAL event.

A value between WARNING VALUE and 100 must be used.

Available for the cp, cu, gc, hmu and mmu metric services.

Defaults to 50. The threshold value that this metric must surpass to generate a WARNING event.

A value between GOOD VALUE and WARNING VALUE must be used.

Available for the cp, cu, gc, hmu and mmu metric services.

Defaults to 0. The threshold value that this metric must surpass to generate a GOOD event.

A value between 0 and WARNING VALUE must be used.

Available for the cp, cu, gc, hmu and mmu metric services.

Defaults to 95. The threshold value that this metric will be compared to mark threads as hogging the CPU.

Only available for the ht metric service.

Defaults to 3. The number of retries that the checker service will execute in order to identify a hogging thread.

Only available for the ht metric service.

The threshold above which a thread is considered stuck. Must be 1 or greater.

Only available for the st metric service.

The unit for the threshold for when a thread should be considered stuck.

Must correspond to a valid java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
Only available for the st metric service.

Adds a metric exposed by Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics to monitor.

Takes a string of the format 'metricName=MetricName description=Description', where metricName is a mandatory value.


Removes a metric exposed by MicroProfile Metrics that has been added to monitor. Takes a string of the format 'metricName=MetricName', where metricName is required.


Example 1 Basic Configuration

A very basic example command to simply enable the Garbage Collector checker service and activate it without needing a restart would be as follows:

asadmin set-healthcheck-service-configuration --enabled=true --service=gc --dynamic=true

Example 2 Setting up thresholds for configuring JDBC Connection Pools health monitoring

Monitoring the health of JDBC connection pools is a common need. In that scenario, it is very unlikely that on-the-fly configuration changes would be made, so a very high CRITICAL threshold can be set.

Likewise, a nonzero GOOD threshold is needed because an empty or unused connection pool may not be healthy either.

The following command would apply these settings to the connection pool checker:

asadmin set-healthcheck-service-configuration --service=cp --dynamic=true --threshold-critical=95 --threshold-warning=70 --threshold-good=30

Example 3 Setting up thresholds for identifying CPU hogging threads

Monitoring which threads hog the CPU is extremely important since this can lead to performance degradation, deadlocks and extreme bottlenecks issues that web applications can incur.

In some cases the defaults are all that is needed, but imagine that in a critical system you want to set the threshold percentage to 90%, and you want to make sure that the health check service guarantees the state of such threads with a retry count of 5.

Additionally, you want to set the frequency of this check for every 20 seconds.

The following command would apply these settings to the Hogging threads checker service:

asadmin> set-healthcheck-service-configuration --service=ht --dynamic=true --hogging-threads-threshold=90 --hogging-threads-retry-count=5 --time=20 --time-unit=SECONDS

Example 4 Setting up thresholds for identifying stuck threads

The following example configures the stuck threads checker to check every 30 seconds for any threads which have been stuck for more than 5 minutes and applies the configuration change without needing a restart:

asadmin set-healthcheck-service-configuration --service=st --enabled=true --dynamic=true --time=30 --time-unit=SECONDS --stuck-threads-threshold=5 --stuck-threads-threshold-unit=MINUTES

Example 5 Setting up thresholds adding a MicroProfile Metrics check for the maximum thread count:

The following example configures the Microprofile Metrics Checker to add base_thread_max_count metrics for monitoring, adds the checker to MicroProfile Health to display its result on MicroProfile Health REST endpoints and applies the configuration change without needing a restart:

asadmin set-healthcheck-service-configuration --service=mp-metrics --enabled=true --dynamic=true --add-to-microprofile-health=true --add-metric='metricName=base_thread_max_count'

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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