
Displays monitoring data for commonly used components and services.


asadmin [asadmin-options] monitor [--help]
--type type
[--filename filename]
[--interval interval]
[--filter filter]


The monitor subcommand displays statistics for commonly monitored Payara Server components and services. The --type option must be used to specify the object for which statistics are to be displayed.Data is displayed continuously in a tabular form, or the data can be displayed at a particular time interval by using the --interval option.

Before a given component or service can be monitored, monitoring must be enabled (set to HIGH or LOW) for the component or service by using the Administration Console, the enable-monitoring subcommand, or the set subcommand.

The monitor subcommand has options for filtering the results and capturing the output in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. The output appears in a table format. To view the legend of the table header, type h.

This subcommand is supported in local mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


The component or service to monitor. This option is required. No default value is defined.


For this type, the attribute server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service must be set to LOW or HIGH.

Displays the following statistics for the HTTP listener service

The total number errors in the processing of HTTP requests.


The longest response time (in milliseconds) for the processing of a single HTTP request.


The total amount of time (in milliseconds) that the HTTP listener service has spent in processing HTTP requests.


The total number of requests that the HTTP listener service has processed.


For this type, the attribute server.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.jvm must be set to LOW or HIGH.

Displays the following statistics for the Virtual Machine for the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine or JVM machine)

The number of milliseconds that the JVM machine has been running since it was last started.


The initial amount of memory (in bytes) that the JVM machine requests from the operating system for memory management during startup.


The maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory management.


Retained for compatibility with other releases.


Retained for compatibility with other releases.


The amount of memory (in bytes) that is guaranteed to be available for use by the JVM machine.


For this type, the attribute server.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.web-container must be set to LOW or HIGH.

Displays the following statistics for all deployed web modules

The number of currently active sessions.


The total number of sessions that are currently active or have been active previously.


The total number of rejected sessions.


The total number of sessions that have been created.


The number of currently active JavaServer Pages ( JSP) technology pages that are loaded.


The maximum number of JSP technology pages that were active at any time simultaneously.


Total number of JSP technology pages that have been loaded.


The number of currently active Java servlets that are loaded.


The maximum number of Java servlets that were active at any time simultaneously.


The total number of Java servlets that have been loaded.


Do not specify this option. This option is retained for compatibility with earlier releases. If you specify this option, a syntax error does not occur. Instead, the subcommand runs successfully and displays a warning message that the option is ignored.


The interval in seconds before capturing monitoring attributes. The interval must be greater than 0. The monitoring attributes are displayed on stdout until you type Control-C or q. The default value is 30.


Do not specify this option. This option is retained for compatibility with earlier releases. If you specify this option, a syntax error does not occur. Instead, the subcommand runs successfully and displays a warning message that the option is ignored.



The server instance for which to view monitoring data. The default value is server.


Example 1 Displaying Monitoring Statistics by Interval

This example displays monitoring data for the JVM machine every 2000 seconds.

asadmin> monitor --type=jvm --interval 2000 server

JVM Monitoring
UpTime(ms)                Heap and NonHeap Memory(bytes)
current                   min        max        low        high       count
957843                    29523968   188284928  0          0          60370944

Command monitor executed successfully.

Example 2 Filtering the Monitoring Data

This example uses the filter option to show http-listener-1 statistics.

asadmin> monitor --type httplistener --filter http-listener-1 server

HTTP Listener Monitoring: http-listener-1
br   bs   c200 c2xx c302 c304 c3xx c400 c401 c403 c404 c4xx c503 c5xx coc  co
ctc  ctb  ec   moc  mst  mt   mtm  mst  pt   rc
0    0    0    0    0    3    3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
2    0    0    1    20   20   2    2    6    3

To see the legend for the table headings, type h.

* br   = Cumulative value of the Bytes received by each of the Request Processors        *
* bs   = Cumulative value of the Bytes sent by each of the Request Processors            *
* c200 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 200                             *
* c2xx = Number of responses with a status code in the 2xx range                         *
* c302 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 302                             *
* c304 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 304                             *
* c3xx = Number of responses with a status code in the 3xx range                         *
* c400 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 400                             *
* c401 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 401                             *
* c403 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 403                             *
* c404 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 404                             *
* c4xx = Number of responses with a status code equal to 4xx                             *
* c504 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 504                             *
* c5xx = Number of responses with a status code equal to 5xx                             *
* coc  = Number of open connections                                                      *
* co   = Number of responses with a status code outside the 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx range *
* ctc  = Number of request processing threads currently in the listener thread pool      *
* ctb  = Number of request processing threads currently in use in the listener thread    *
*        pool serving requests                                                           *
* ec   = Number of responses with a status code equal to 400                             *
* moc  = Maximum number of open connections                                              *
* mst  = Minimum number of request processing threads that will be created at listener   *
*        startup time and maintained as spare threads above the current thread count     *
* mt   = Maximum number of request processing threads that are created by the listener   *
* mtm  = Provides the longest response time for a request - not a cumulative value, but  *
*        the largest response time from among the response times                         *
* pt   = Cumulative value of the times taken to process each request. The processing     *
*        time is the average of request processing times over the request count          *
* rc   = Cumulative number of the requests processed so far                              *

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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