Debugging Applications

This chapter gives guidelines for debugging applications deployed in Payara Server or Payara Micro.

Debugging in Payara Server

Enabling Debugging

When you enable debugging, you enable both local and remote debugging. To start the server in debug mode, use the --debug option as follows:

asadmin start-domain --debug [domain-name]

You can then attach to the server from the Java Debugger (jdb) at its default Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) port, which is 9009.

For example, in UNIX systems:

jdb -attach 9009

And for Windows OS:

jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:port=9009

For more information about the jdb debugger, see the following official Java SE 11 documentation links:

Payara Server debugging is based on JPDA. For more information, see JPDA Options.

You can attach any JPDA compliant debugger to Payara Server, including that of all major Java IDE environments like IntelliJ, Apache Netbeans, Eclipse and Visual Studio Code.

You can enable debugging even when Payara Server is started without the --debug option. This is useful in development environments where you want to make sure that debugging is always turned on.

To Set the Server to Automatically Start Up in Debug Mode

  1. Use the Administration Console. Select the JVM Settings component under the relevant configuration.

  2. Check the Debug Enabled box.

  3. To specify a different port (from 9009, the default) to use when attaching the JVM software to a debugger, specify address= port-number in the Debug Options field.

  4. To add JPDA options, add any desired JPDA debugging options in Debug Options. See JPDA Options.

JPDA Options

The default JPDA options in Payara Server are as follows:

-Xdebug -agentlib:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009
In Windows OS, you can change dt_socket to dt_shmem to connect via a shared memory transport protocol.

If you specify suspend=y, the JVM software starts in suspended mode and stays suspended until a debugger attaches to it. This is helpful if you want to start debugging as soon as the JVM process starts.

To specify a different port (from 9009, the default) to use when attaching the JVM software to a debugger, specify address=<port-number>.

You can include any additional options if needed.

Generating a Stack Trace for Debugging

To generate a Java stack trace for debugging purposes, use the asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread command. The generated stack trace goes to the domain-dir/logs/server.log file and also appears on the command prompt screen.

For more information about the asadmin generate-jvm-report command, see generate-jvm-report.

Application Client Debugging

When the appclient script executes the java command to run the Application Client Container (ACC), which in turn runs the client itself, it includes on the command line the value of the VMARGS environment variable. You can set this variable to any suitable value. For example:

For debugging an application client, you must set the suspend option to y so you can connect the debugger to the client before any code has actually executed. Otherwise, the client may start running and execute past the point you want to examine.

You should use different ports for the server and client if you are debugging both concurrently. For details about setting the port, see JPDA Options.

You can also include JVM options in the appclient script directly. For information about the appclient script, see appclient.

The Application Client Container is supported only in the Full Profile, not in the Web Profile. See Developing Java Clients.

Open Message Queue Debugging

Open Message Queue has a broker logger, which can be useful for debugging Java Message Service (JMS) applications, including message-driven bean applications.

You can adjust the logger’s verbosity, and you can send the logger output to the broker’s console using the broker’s -tty option.

JMS resources are supported only in the Full Profile, not in the Web Profile. See Using Jakarta Messaging.

Enabling Verbose Mode

To have the server logs and messages printed to System.out on your command prompt screen, you can start the server in verbose mode. This makes it easy to do simple debugging using print statements, without having to check the server.log file every time.

To start the domain in verbose mode, use the --verbose option as follows:

asadmin start-domain --verbose [domain-name]

When the server is in verbose mode, messages are logged to the console or terminal window in addition to the log file. In addition, pressing Ctrl-C stops the server and pressing Ctrl-\ (on UNIX platforms) or Ctrl-Break (on Windows OS) prints a thread dump.

On UNIX platforms, you can also print a thread dump using the jstack command or the command kill -QUIT <process_id>.

Class Loader Debugging

To generate class loading messages, use the following asadmin create-jvm-options command:

asadmin create-jvm-options -verbose\:class

To send the JVM messages to a special JVM log file instead of stdout, use the following asadmin create-jvm-options commands:

asadmin create-jvm-options -XX\:+LogVMOutput
asadmin create-jvm-options -XX\:LogFile=${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/jvm.log

To send Payara Server messages to the standard console instead of stderr, start the domain in verbose mode as described in Enabling Verbose Mode.

Debugging in Payara Micro

As Payara Micro server instance is a standalone Java process that runs without an administration interface, debugging applications that run in it is as simple as configuring the debugging options when launching a new server instance from the command line:

java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9011,suspend=y -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy myapp.war

Then you can attach a new debugger session from within your preferred IDE.

Profiling Tools

You can use a profiler to perform remote profiling on Payara Server to discover bottlenecks in server-side performance. Profilers are extremely useful (either Instrumental or Sampling profiles) in analysing the CPU cycles of an application’s specific components, finding bottlenecks on long-spanning operations, track the runtime of specific methods, etc.

Most profiling tools in the market can be integrated with Payara Server running on Java 11. The following "free-to_use" tools are recommended to be used due to their simplicity and ease to integrate with Payara Server:

Apache NetBeans Profiler

Comes bundled with Apache Netbeans, which has native support for running, debugging and profiling applications in Payara Server. For more information read Introduction to Profiling Java Applications in NetBeans IDE

Async Profiler

A powerful lightweight profiler that can run locally or remotely and trace CPU cycles, hardware and software performance and do Java Heap allocation analysis. This profiler is currently maintained as an open source project.

If using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, Async profiler is bundled by default and requires no extra installation.

If you wish to configure to Payara Server to automatically run the profiler’s agent when the server’s JVM starts, you can do so by configuring the profiler as a Java agent by navigating to the Administration Console, heading to the server’s instance configuration settings, selecting JVM Settings option and navigate to the Profiler tab. The following configuration attributes are available:

  • Profiler Name: A name for the profiler’s "profile" you wish to configure. Any name will suffice.

  • Status: Whether the profiler’s configuration is enabled or not.

  • Classpath: Allows the user to customize the classpath of the profiler’s agent.

  • Native Library Path: Path to the native library binaries of the profiler’s agent.

  • Options: Additional options you can use to configure the profiler.

    For example, the following options can be used to configure Async Profiler:

    • event=cpu

    • file=profile.html

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