Codehaus Cargo

What is Codehaus Cargo?

Cargo is Maven plugin implemented as a thin wrapper that allows you to manipulate various types of application containers (J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE and others) in a standard way. The portion Codehaus is a reference to the open-source community which used to host Cargo when it was first created. Since then, the community has been moved to GitHub.

Codehaus Cargo allows you to:

  • Start, stop or restart an application container

  • Deploy, undeploy or redeploy an application on local or remote instances

How to Use Codehaus Cargo


The cargo plugin can be added to any Maven project by adding the following to the <build> section of your pom:


Execution Goals

In the following table, you can find the list of the main goals provided by the Cargo plugin. For more information about the goals, please refer to the following: Cargo Documentation - Maven 3 Plugin.

Goal Description


Starts the container.

A container that’s started with cargo:start will automatically shut down as soon as the parent Maven instance quits (i.e., you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED message).


Starts the container and waits for the user to press CTRL+C to stop the container.


Stops the container.


Stop and start again a container. If the container was not running before calling cargo:restart, it will simply be started.

cargo:deployer-deploy (aliased to cargo:deploy)

Deploy a deployable to a running container.

The cargo:start and cargo:run do already deploy the deployables specified in the configuration to the container; as a result calling cargo:deploy for a container which has been started by Codehaus Cargo in the same Maven project will most likely cause a second deployment of the same deployables (and might even fail).

cargo:deployer-undeploy (aliased to cargo:undeploy)

Undeploy a deployable from a running container.

Local Deployment

In order to use Codehaus Cargo for local deployment, you can add the following plugin and configuration to pom.xml:


     <!-- provides JSR88 client compatibility API to deploy on Payara -->

The first and second file paths described between the <home> tags are the full paths to Payara Server home and the full path to the domains directory.

After modifying the paths and the domain name, you can use mvn package cargo:run to run the container and test the deployment.

If you need to deploy a WAR to a local Payara instance, you can use the following configuration:

                <deployable type="war"
    <!-- provides JSR88 client API to deploy on Payara -->

Remote Deployment

In order to use Codehaus Cargo for remote deployment, you can add the following plugin and configuration to pom.xml:

    <!-- provides JSR88 client API to deploy on Payara -->

A few important points to note about this configuration:

  • The default username for Cargo is admin.

  • The default password is adminadmin. If you have no password, then use “” as Cargo will throw an error if the password field is empty.

  • The default admin port is 4848.

  • The default hostname is localhost.

  • The start and stop execution goals cannot be used with a remote Payara Server instance; this means that the remote instance MUST be running, otherwise Maven will fail.

See Also

For more information related to the usage of the Codehaus Cargo plugin, read the official Cargo documentation: