Payara Server Deployment Descriptor Files

Support of GlassFish deployment descriptors

Payara Server Community supports specifying deployment configuration using GlassFish deployment descriptor files.

Payara deployment descriptors

Additionally from version 5.183, payara-web.xml can be used instead of glassfish-web.xml. The top level element for the payara-web.xml file must be payara-web-app and the schema can be refererenced by:

<!DOCTYPE payara-web-app PUBLIC "-// Payara Server 4 Servlet 3.0//EN" "">

Since version 5.184

payara-resources.xml can also be used instead of glassfish-resources.xml. The schema can be referenced by:

<!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC "-// Payara Server 4 Resource Definitions//EN" "">

See the schema reference for the list of deployment descriptor DTD files.

Allowed configuration elements

The following elements are supported in Payara Server on top of elements supported by GlassFish:


  • classloading-delegate

  • enable-implicit-cdi

  • default-role-mapping (property)

  • whitelist-package

  • scanning-exclude

  • scanning-include

glassfish-web.xml and payara-web.xml

  • container-initialized-enabled

  • default-role-mapping (property)

  • jaxrs-roles-allowed-enabled

  • scanning-exclude

  • scanning-include

  • jsp-config

  • whitelist-package


  • webservice-default-login-config

  • default-role-mapping (property)

  • enterprise-beans

    • ejb

      • ejb-name

      • clustered-bean

      • clustered-key-name

      • clustered-lock-type

      • clustered-attach-postconstruct

      • clustered-detach-predestroy


Since version 5.184

  • snapshot (property of transaction isolation, this isolation level is only supported by Microsoft SQL Server)

Since version 5.2020.5

  • log-jdbc-calls (attribute of jdbc-connection-pool)

Deployment Descriptor Precedence Order

When multiple deployment descriptors are present in the same archive, the descriptors are processed with the following precedence order in default mode:

`WebLogic descriptor > Payara descriptor > GlassFish descriptor > Sun descriptor`

The default precedence order can be customized and configured via following system properties:

gfdd.over.wlsdd property

This system property controls the precedence between GlassFish Server descriptor and Weblogic Server descriptor when they are both present. When gfdd.over.wlsdd property is set to true, the descriptors are processed with the following precedence order:

`Payara descriptor > GlassFish descriptor > WebLogic descriptor > Sun descriptor`

ignore.wlsdd property

When ignore.wlsdd property is set to true, WLS descriptor will be ignored and other descriptors will be processed with the following precedence order:

`GlassFish descriptor > Payara descriptor > Sun descriptor`
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