CDI Development Mode

Since Payara Server

CDI Development Mode enables some CDI related tools and features that help when developing and inspecting applications that contain CDI beans.

This mode also provides CDI Probe, which allows to inspect and monitor CDI beans of deployed applications at runtime.

It’s possible to enable CDI Development Mode for each application separately or enable it for all applications globaly. In both cases, each application is assigned a separate CDI Probe instance.

CDI Development Mode can be enabled in the following ways:

  • the application defines a context parameter in web.xml (always enabled for the application)

  • enabled at deploy time (enabled only for individual application)

  • enabled via a system property (always enabled for all deployed applications)

If CDI Development Mode is enabled by one of the options above, it can’t be disabled by any other option.

Next sections describe how to enable CDI Development Mode, using either

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