Payara Platform provides the Netbeans plugins to integrate Payara Server and Payara Micro into Netbeans. The plugins are installable from the NetBeans interface
In version 5.184, the available plugins are :
Payara Server - allows you to add Payara Server as a recognised server in NetBeans. This means you can deploy and manage applications from the NetBeans interface.
Payara Micro - allows you to use Payara Micro to start and reload your applications from the Netbeans interface
Installing Payara NetBeans Plugins
Payara offers three ways to install NetBeans plugins :
Update Center Installation
Installing a plugin from the Update Center is the easiest way :
Go to Tools → Plugins.
On the Plugins window, switch to the Settings tab.
On the Settings tab, click Add button and the Update Center Customizer dialog box appears.
In the Name field, enter Payara Update Center.
In the URL field, enter the following update center url based on your IDE version and Click OK button.
NetBeans IDE 8.2 :
Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 :
Under the Available Plugins tab, search for
in the search box. -
Check all 5 plugins:
Payara EE Common
Payara Common
Payara Java EE
Payara Tooling
Payara Micro
Click Install.
Follow the installer wizard.
Manual Installation
To download the Payara NetBeans Plugin, please click here.
To get the plugins ready for installation, start NetBeans IDE as described in Installing and the Starting the NetBeans IDE.
Extract the nbm file(s) from file.
Start NetBeans and select the Tools → Plugins menu item.
Switch to the "Downloaded" tab and select the Add Plugins… button to browse to the downloaded nbm files.
Once the file has been selected, NetBeans will display module information. Now click the Install button at the bottom.
When the NetBeans IDE Installer screen is displayed, click next and accept the license agreements and click Install.
The plugin has now been installed and can be seen in the "Installed" tab. Now click Finish to restart NetBeans IDE.
NetBeans + Payara plugins Bundle
To download the Payara Plugin with NetBeans IDE, Please click here and download the PayaraPlugins.with.NetBeans.IDE zip file.
Now extract the zip file and start the IDE :
Microsoft Windows -
Start the IDE at the command line > netbeans-install-directory\bin\netbeans.exe or click on the netbeans-install-directory\bin\netbeans.exe
OS X or Linux -
Type at the command prompt: /netbeans-install-directory/bin/netbeans