Payara Micro API

This section details documentation on the Payara Micro API. The Javadoc for the most recent version of the Payara Micro API can be found here.

PayaraMicro.class methods are used during the bootstrap process, whereas PayaraMicroRuntime.class methods are used on running instances.

Configuration Methods

Configuration Methods of PayaraMicro.class are detailed here.

Configuration Operand Description Get Method Set Method Default Value Command Line Equivalent

Alternate Domain XML

Gets or sets the domain.xml used to override the default server configuration.

File getAlternateDomainXML()

PayaraMicro setAlternateDomainXML(File alternateDomainXML)



Cluster Multicast Group

Gets or sets the cluster multicast group for the instance.

String getClusterMulticastGroup()

PayaraMicro setClusterMulticastGroup(String hzMulticastGroup)

null (Default value of set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


Cluster Port

Gets or sets the multicast cluster port.

int getClusterPort()

PayaraMicro setClusterPort(int hzPort)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 2904 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


Cluster Start Port

Gets or sets the start port number for the Payara Micro instance to listen on for cluster communications.

int getClusterStartPort()

PayaraMicro setClusterStartPort(int hzStartPort)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 5900 set in default configuration files is not read into instance variable)


Deployment Directory

Gets or sets the directory to be scanned for archives to deploy.

File getDeploymentDir()

PayaraMicro setDeploymentDir(File deploymentRoot)




Gets or sets the HTTP port for the instance to bind to.

int getHttpPort()

PayaraMicro setHttpPort(int httpPort)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 8080 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


Instance Name

Gets or sets the name of the instance.

String getInstanceName()

PayaraMicro setInstanceName(String instanceName)

Generated Universally Unique Identifier.


Maximum HTTP Threads

Gets or sets the maximum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool.

int getMaxHttpThreads()

PayaraMicro setMaxHttpThreads(int maxHttpThreads)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 10 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


Minimum HTTP Threads

Gets or sets the minimum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool.

int getMinHttpThreads()

PayaraMicro setMinHttpThreads(int minHttpThreads)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 10 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


Root Directory

Gets or sets the root configuration directory.

File getRootDir()

PayaraMicro setRootDir(File rootDir)




Gets or sets the HTTPS port for the instance to bind to. An HTTPS port is not bound unless this value is manually set.

int getSslPort()

PayaraMicro setSslPort(int sslPort)

-2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 8443 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable)


No Clustering

Gets or sets whether clustering is enabled or disabled for an instance.

boolean isNoCluster()

PayaraMicro setNoCluster(boolean noCluster)



HTTP Auto-Binding

Enables or Disables auto-binding of the HTTP port for an instance.

boolean getHttpAutoBind()

PayaraMicro setHttpAutoBind(boolean httpAutoBind)



HTTPS Auto-Binding

Enables or Disables auto-binding of the HTTPS port for an instance.

boolean getSslAutoBind()

PayaraMicro setSslAutoBind(boolean sslAutoBind)



Auto-Bind Range

Sets the range for HTTP and HTTPS port auto-binding.

int getAutoBindRange()

PayaraMicro setAutoBindRange(int autoBindRange)



Operation Methods

The other methods of the Payara Micro API that operate Payara Micro instances are detailed here.

The list of methods in the API:

Deployment Methods

Deployment methods are used for the deployment of applications to Payara Micro instances.

PayaraMicro.class Methods

Method Description Command Line Equivalent

PayaraMicro addDeployment(String pathToWar)

Adds the file found at the location of the pathToWar parameter to the list of files to be deployed upon starting the instance.


PayaraMicro addDeploymentFile(File file)

Adds the file associated with the file parameter to the list of files to be deployed upon starting the instance.


PayaraMicroRuntime.class Methods

Method Description

boolean deploy(String name, InputStream is)

Deploys an application from an InputStream with the name specified.

boolean deploy(String name, String contextRoot, InputStream is)

Deploys an application from an InputStream, with the specified name and context root.

boolean deploy(File war)

Deploys the application located at the war parameter path.

boolean undeploy(String name)

Un-deploys the specified application.

Setup and Shutdown Methods

These methods are required for setting up and cleaning Payara Micro instances.

PayaraMicro.class Methods

Method Description

PayaraMicroRuntime bootStrap() throws BootstrapException

Checks the supplied configuration parameters and starts a Payara Micro instance.

PayaraMicro getInstance()

Obtains the static singleton instance of the Payara Micro server. If one does not exist, one will be created and returned.

PayaraMicro getInstance(boolean create)

Obtains the static singleton instance of the Payara Micro server. If one does not exist and create is set to true, one will be created and returned, otherwise returns null.

void shutdown() throws BootstrapException

Stops and shuts down the Payara Micro instance.

PayaraMicroRuntime.class Methods

Method Description

void shutdown() throws BootstrapException

Stops and shuts down the Payara Micro instance.

CDI Methods

These methods are used for firing CDI Events across running instances.

Method Description

void addCDIEventListener(CDIEventListener listener)

Adds a CDI Event Listener.

void removeCDIEventListener(CDIEventListener listener)

Removes a CDI Event Listener.

void addClusterListener(PayaraClusterListener listener)

Adds a Cluster Listener.

void removeClusterListener(PayaraClusterListener listener)

Removes a Cluster Listener.

void publishCDIEvent(PayaraClusteredCDIEvent event)

Publishes a CDI Event.

Run Methods

These methods are used for running asadmin commands or Callable objects on bootstrapped instances.

Method Description

Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<ClusterCommandResult>> run (String command, String…​ args )

Runs an asadmin command on all members of a Payara Micro Cluster.

Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<ClusterCommandResult>> run (Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, String command, String…​ args )

Runs an asadmin command on specified members of a Payara Micro Cluster.

<T extends Serializable> Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<T>> run (Callable<T> callable)

Runs a Callable object on all members of a Payara Micro Cluster.

<T extends Serializable> Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<T>> run (Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, Callable<T> callable)

Runs a Callable object on specified members of a Payara Micro Cluster.

Get Methods

These methods are used for getting information on running Payara Micro instances. For information on the Get methods of a non-bootstrapped instance, see the Configuration Methods section.

Method Description

Collection<InstanceDescriptor> getClusteredPayaras()

Returns a collection of instance descriptors for all the Payara Micros instances in a cluster.

Collection<String> getDeployedApplicationNames()

Returns the names of the deployed applications.

String getInstanceName()

Returns the instance name.

InstanceDescriptor getLocalDescriptor()

Returns the instance descriptor of the instance the method is run on.

Library Methods

These methods are used for configuring additional libraries to the instance’s classpath.

Method Description

void addLibrary(File)

Adds a new library source (a JAR file or a directory with multiple JAR files) to be considered for the instance’s classpath

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