Using the JCache API

This chapter covers how to use the JCache functionality in the Payara Platform.

JSR107 (JCache) is implemented in Payara Server by Hazelcast Community Edition.
JCache is not an official specification of the Jakarta Platform and any of its variant profiles.
Its inclusion in the Payara Platform is a product choice to leverage the capabilities of a caching API as the Jakarta Platform lacks an official API.

Accessing the Caching Provider and Cache Manager

To create a Cache instance you will need to access either a CachingProvider or a CacheManager instance at runtime. This can be done either declaratively via CDI injection or programmatically via JNDI lookup.

Using Injection

You can inject both CachingProvider and CacheManager instances in any CDI beans like this:

import javax.cache.CacheManager;
import javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;

public class Component{

    CacheManager manager;
    CachingProvider provider;
Your WAR or JAR artifact must be an implicit or explicit bean archive.

Using JNDI

Both the CachingProvider and the CachingManager components can also be programmatically accessed through their JNDI names as well:

import javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider;
import javax.cache.CacheManager;

public class Component{

    public void businessMethod(){
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();
        CachingProvider provider = (CachingProvider) ctx.lookup("payara/CachingProvider");
        CacheManager manager = (CacheManager) ctx.lookup("payara/CacheManager");

Creating a Cache Instance

You can create a cache using either the CacheManager.getCache method, or by directly injecting the cache instance into a CDI bean.

Using Injection

Injecting a cache into a CDI bean is simple enough:

import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.cache.Cache;

public class Component{

    Cache cache;

The name of this cache will be the canonical name of the class it is created in.

Caches created in this way will also have JMX statistics and management enabled.

Typed Cache Injection

A typed cache can also be injected in the same manner:

import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.cache.Cache;

public class Component{

    Cache<Long, Property> cache;
Both key and value types must be Serializable so that the cache can be properly instantiated at runtime.

Injecting a Custom Cache

You can determine the name and other attributes of a cache created through injection using the @NamedCache annotation.

For example, to inject a cache with a custom name and with JMX management enabled:

import fish.payara.cdi.jsr107.impl.NamedCache;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.cache.Cache;

public class Component{

    @NamedCache(cacheName = "custom", managementEnabled = true)
    Cache cache;
This annotation is part of the Payara Platform Public API

If you only want to set the name of the cache but don’t want to depend on the @NamedCache, you can use the @CacheDefaults annotation on the bean class instead:

import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.annotation.CacheDefaults;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

@CacheDefaults(cacheName = "custom")
public class CacheBean {

    Cache cache;
Keep in mind that this solution only works if your bean has one injected cache only. If you are in a situation where you must inject more than one cache into the bean then consider using the @NamedCache annotation to avoid name collisions.

Using JCache Annotations

The Payara Platform supports cache definitions and operations on caches by using the standard set of annotations that are part of the JCache API:


Puts the specified key and value in the cache.


Removes an element from the cache that corresponds to the supplied key.


Allows the configuration of defaults for CacheResult, CachePut, CacheRemove, and CacheRemoveAll at the class level.


Marks a method parameter as the key of a cache.


Marks a method parameter as the value of a cache key.

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