Administering Payara Server Nodes

A node represents a host on which the Payara Server software is installed. A node must exist for every host on which Payara Server instances reside.

A node’s configuration contains information about the host such as the name of the host and the location where the Payara Server is installed on the host.

The following topics are addressed here:

Types of payara Server Nodes

Each Payara Server node is one of the following types of node:


A DCOM node supports communication over the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) remote protocol. The DCOM remote protocol is available only on Windows systems. If DCOM is set up, and you plan to administer your Payara Server instances centrally, the instances must reside on DCOM nodes.

DCOM nodes are not recommended to be used in production environments.
See Enabling Centralized Administration of Payara Server Instances for more information.

An SSH node supports communication over secure shell (SSH). If SSH is set up, and you plan to administer your Payara Server instances centrally, the instances must reside on SSH nodes.

An SSH node’s configuration contains the information that is required to connect to the host through SSH. This information includes, for example, the username of the SSH user and the port number for SSH connections to the host.


A CONFIG node does not support remote communication. If SSH is set up, and you plan to administer your instances locally, the instances can reside on CONFIG nodes. You cannot use CONFIG nodes for instances that you plan to administer centrally.

Each domain contains a predefined CONFIG node that is named `localhost-`domain, where domain is the name of the domain. On the host where the domain administration server (DAS) is running, this node represents the local host.


A Docker node is similar to the existing SSH, DCOM, and CONFIG nodes in that it is a virtual representation of a Payara Server installation, providing connection details that the Domain Administration Server (DAS) uses to communicate with the installation to create, stop, start, and delete instances.

Where it differs from these existing node types is that instances created against it are actually housed in Docker containers, and so also contains details on how to communicate with the Docker engine of the remote machine.

Creating, Listing, Testing, and Deleting DCOM Nodes

A DCOM node supports communication over DCOM. If DCOM is set up and, you plan to administer your Payara Server instances centrally, the instances must reside on DCOM nodes.

Payara Server enables you to create DCOM nodes for use by instances, obtain information about DCOM nodes, test if DCOM nodes are reachable, and delete DCOM nodes that are no longer required.

To Create a DCOM Node

Use the create-node-dcom subcommand in remote mode to create a DCOM node.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the Windows user can use DCOM to connect to the host that the node will represent. By default, the create-node-dcom subcommand validates the node’s parameters and the DCOM connection to the host. If the Windows user cannot use DCOM to connect to the host, the validation fails.

For information about how to determine whether the Windows user can use DCOM to connect to the host, see To Test the Connection Over DCOM to a Remote Host.
  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the create-node-dcom subcommand.

    Specify the file that contains the alias for the Windows user’s password through the --passwordfile option of the asadmin utility. For more information about this file, see To Set Up Password Authentication for the Windows User.

    Only the options that are required to complete this task are provided in this step. For information about all the options for configuring the node, see the create-node-dcom help page.
    C:\> asadmin --passwordfile filename create-node-dcom --nodehost node-host [--installdir install-dir] node-name

    The name of the file that contains the alias for the Windows user’s password.


    The name of the host that the node represents. The name of the host must be specified. Otherwise, an error occurs.


    The full path to the parent of the base installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host, for example, C:\payara.

    If the Payara Server software is installed in the same directory on the node’s host and the DAS host, you can omit this option.


    Your choice of name for the node that you are creating.

The following example creates the DCOM node wpmdl1 to represent the host The Payara Server software is installed in the same directory on the DAS host and on the host

C:\> asadmin --passwordfile aspwalias.txt create-node-dcom --nodehost wpmdl1

Command create-node-dcom executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help create-node-dcom at the command line.

To List DCOM Nodes in a Domain

Use the list-nodes-dcom subcommand in remote mode to obtain information about existing DCOM nodes in a domain.

To obtain information about all existing nodes in a domain, use the list-nodes subcommand.
  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the list-nodes-dcom subcommand.

    asadmin> list-nodes-dcom

The following example lists the name, type, and host of all DCOM nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-dcom

xkyd  DCOM
wpmdl2  DCOM
wpmdl1  DCOM
Command list-nodes-dcom executed successfully.

The following example lists detailed information about all DCOM nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-dcom --long=true
xkyd         DCOM     C:\payara
wpmdl2       DCOM   C:\payara       wdi2
wpmdl1       DCOM   C:\payara       wdi1
Command list-nodes-dcom executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help list-nodes

  • asadmin help list-nodes-dcom

To Test if a DCOM Node is Reachable

Use the ping-node-dcom subcommand in remote mode to test if a DCOM node is reachable.

Before You Begin

Ensure that DCOM is configured on the host where the DAS is running and on the host that the node represents.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the ping-node-dcom subcommand.

    Only the options that are required to complete this task are provided in this step. For information about all the options for testing the node, see the ping-node-dcom help page.
    asadmin> ping-node-dcom node-name

    The name of the node to test.

    The following example tests if the DCOM node wpmdl2 is reachable.

asadmin> ping-node-dcom wpmdl2

Successfully made DCOM connection to node wpmdl2 (
Command ping-node-dcom executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help ping-node-dcom at the command line.

To Delete a DCOM Node

Use the delete-node-dcom subcommand in remote mode to delete a DCOM node.

Deleting a node removes the node from the configuration of the DAS. The node’s directories and files are deleted when the last Payara Server instance that resides on the node is deleted.

Before You Begin

Ensure that no Payara Server instances reside on the node that you are deleting. For information about how to delete an instance, see the following sections.

The following example confirms that no instances reside on the DCOM node xkyd and deletes the node xkyd.

asadmin> list-nodes-dcom --long=true
xkyd         DCOM     C:\payara
wpmdl2       DCOM   C:\payara       wdi2
wpmdl1       DCOM   C:\payara       wdi1
Command list-nodes-dcom executed successfully.
asadmin> delete-node-dcom xkyd
Command delete-node-dcom executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help delete-node-dcom

  • asadmin help list-nodes-dcom

Creating, Listing, Testing, and Deleting SSH Nodes

An SSH node supports communication over SSH. If SSH is set up, and you plan to administer your Payara Server instances centrally, the instances must reside on SSH nodes. For information about setting up SSH, see Enabling Centralized Administration of Payara Server Instances.

Payara Server enables you to create SSH nodes for use by instances, obtain information about SSH nodes, test if SSH nodes are reachable, and delete SSH nodes that are no longer required.

To Create an SSH Node

Use the create-node-ssh subcommand in remote mode to create an SSH node.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the SSH user can use SSH to log in to the host that the node will represent. By default, the create-node-ssh subcommand validates the node’s parameters and the SSH connection to the host.

If the SSH user cannot use SSH to log in to the host, the validation fails.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the create-node-ssh subcommand.

    Only the options that are required to complete this task are provided in this step. For information about all the options for configuring the node, see the create-node-ssh help page.

    If you are using password authentication for the SSH user, you must specify a password file through the --passwordfile option of the asadmin utility. For more information about SSH user authentication, see link:Technical Documentation/Payara Server Documentation/High Availability/ssh-setup.adoc#setting-up-ssh-user-authentication[Setting Up SSH User Authentication].

    asadmin> create-node-ssh --nodehost node-host [--installdir install-dir ] node-name

    The name of the host that the node represents. The name of the host must be specified. Otherwise, an error occurs.


    The full path to the parent of the base installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host, for example, /export/payara/. If the Payara Server software is installed in the same directory on the node’s host and the DAS host, you can omit this option.


    Your choice of name for the node that you are creating.

The following example creates the SSH node sj01 to represent the host The Payara Server software is installed in the same directory on the DAS host and on the host

asadmin> create-node-ssh --nodehost sj01

Command create-node-ssh executed successfully.


The create-node-ssh subcommand might fail to create the node and report the error Illegal sftp packet len. If this error occurs, ensure that no the startup file on the remote host displays text for noninteractive shells. Examples of startup files are .bashrc, .cshrc, .login, and .profile.

The SSH session interprets any text message that is displayed during login as a file-transfer protocol packet. Therefore, any statement in a startup file that displays text messages corrupts the SSH session, causing this error.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help create-node-ssh at the command line.

Next Steps

After creating a node, you can create instances on the node as explained in the following sections:

To List SSH Nodes in a Domain

Use the list-nodes-ssh subcommand in remote mode to obtain information about existing SSH nodes in a domain.

To obtain information about all existing nodes in a domain, use the list-nodes subcommand.
  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the list-nodes-ssh subcommand.

    asadmin> list-nodes-ssh

This example lists the name, type, and host of all SSH nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-ssh
sj01  SSH
sj02  SSH
Command list-nodes-ssh executed successfully.

The following example lists detailed information about all SSH nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-ssh --long=true

sj01        SSH   /export/payara   pmd-i1
sj02        SSH   /export/payara   pmd-i2
Command list-nodes-ssh executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help list-nodes

  • asadmin help list-nodes-ssh

To Test if an SSH Node is Reachable

Use the ping-node-ssh subcommand in remote mode to test if an SSH node is reachable.

Before You Begin

Ensure that SSH is configured on the host where the DAS is running and on the host that the node represents.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the ping-node-ssh subcommand.

    Only the options that are required to complete this task are provided in this step. For information about all the options for testing the node, see the ping-node-ssh help page.
    asadmin> ping-node-ssh node-name

    The name of the node to test.

The following example tests if the SSH node sj01 is reachable.

asadmin> ping-node-ssh sj01
Successfully made SSH connection to node sj01 (
Command ping-node-ssh executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help ping-node-ssh at the command line.

To Delete an SSH Node

Use the delete-node-ssh subcommand in remote mode to delete an SSH node.

Deleting a node removes the node from the configuration of the DAS. The node’s directories and files are deleted when the last Payara Server instance that resides on the node is deleted.

Before You Begin

Ensure that no Payara Server instances reside on the node that you are deleting. For information about how to delete an instance, see the following sections.

The following example confirms that no instances reside on the SSH node sj01 and deletes the node sj01.

asadmin> list-nodes-ssh --long=true
sj01        SSH   /export/payara
sj02        SSH   /export/payara   pmd-i2

Command list-nodes-ssh executed successfully.
asadmin> delete-node-ssh sj01
Command delete-node-ssh executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help delete-node-ssh

  • asadmin help list-nodes-ssh

Creating, Listing, and Deleting CONFIG Nodes

A CONFIG node does not support remote communication. If SSH is set, up and you plan to administer your instances locally, the instances can reside on CONFIG nodes. You cannot use CONFIG nodes for instances that you plan to administer centrally.

Payara Server enables you to create CONFIG nodes for use by instances, obtain information about CONFIG nodes, and delete CONFIG nodes that are no longer required.

The following topics are addressed here:

To Create a CONFIG Node

Use the create-node-config command in remote mode to create a CONFIG node.

If you create an instance locally on a host for which no nodes are defined, you can create the instance without creating a node beforehand.
In this situation, Payara Server creates a CONFIG node for you. The name of the node is the unqualified name of the host.
For more information, see To Create an Instance Locally.
  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the create-node-config subcommand.

    Only the options that are required to complete this task are provided in this step. For information about all the options for configuring the node, see the create-node-config help page.
    asadmin> create-node-config [--nodehost node-host] [--installdir install-dir ]

    The name of the host that the node represents. You may omit this option. The name of the host can be determined when instances that reside on the node are created.


    The full path to the parent of the base installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host, for example, /export/payara/. You may omit this option. The installation directory can be determined when instances that reside on the node are created.


    Your choice of name for the node that you are creating.

The following example creates the CONFIG node cfg01. The host that the node represents and the installation directory of the Payara Server software on the host are to be determined when instances are added to the node.

asadmin> create-node-config cfg01
Command create-node-config executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help create-node-config at the command line.

Next Steps

After creating a node, you can create instances on the node as explained in To Create an Instance Locally.

To List CONFIG Nodes in a Domain

Use the list-nodes-config subcommand in remote mode to obtain information about existing CONFIG nodes in a domain.

To obtain information about all existing nodes in a domain, use the list-nodes subcommand.
  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the list-nodes-config subcommand.

    asadmin> list-nodes-config

The following example lists the name, type, and host of all CONFIG nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-config
localhost-domain1  CONFIG  localhost
cfg01  CONFIG
cfg02  CONFIG
Command list-nodes-config executed successfully.

The following example lists detailed information about all CONFIG nodes in the current domain.

asadmin> list-nodes-config --long=true

localhost-domain1   CONFIG   localhost            /export/payara
cfg01               CONFIG    /export/payara   yml-i1
cfg02               CONFIG    /export/payara   yml-i2
Command list-nodes-config executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help list-nodes

  • asadmin help list-nodes-config

To Delete a CONFIG Node

Use the delete-node-config subcommand in remote mode to delete a CONFIG node.

Deleting a node removes the node from the configuration of the DAS. The node’s directories and files are deleted when the last Payara Server instance that resides on the node is deleted.

Before You Begin

Ensure that no Payara Server instances reside on the node that you are deleting. For information about how to delete an instance that resides on a CONFIG node, see To Delete an Instance Locally.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Confirm that no instances reside on the node that you are deleting.

    asadmin> list-nodes-config --long=true
  3. Run the delete-node-config subcommand.

    asadmin> delete-node-config node-name

    The name of the node that you are deleting.

The following example confirms that no instances reside on the CONFIG node cfg01 and deletes the node cfg01.

asadmin> list-nodes-config --long=true

localhost-domain1   CONFIG   localhost           /export/payara
cfg01               CONFIG   /export/payara
cfg02               CONFIG   /export/payara   yml-i2
Command list-nodes-config executed successfully.
asadmin> delete-node-config cfg01
Command delete-node-config executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the following commands at the command line:

  • asadmin help delete-node-config

  • asadmin help list-nodes-config

Creating, Listing and Deleting Docker Nodes

As previously explained, a Docker node shares similarities with existing SSH, DCOM, and CONFIG nodes as it serves as a virtual representation of a Payara Server installation.

The Docker engine must expose its REST admin service on an HTTP port that is reacheable by the DAS to configure a DOCKER node.

Exposing the Docker REST Admin Service

To expose the REST admin service of the Docker engine, you need to specify the -H option in your DOCKER_OPTS environment variable, or otherwise specify it in the command that starts the docker service.

For example:


You can test that it is exposed by navigating to it with your browser (assuming you’re exposing the port in the example above): http://localhost:2376/info

Creating a Docker Node

Creating a Docker node is done in a similar manner to creating an SSH or CONFIG node, either by asadmin command, or by the Nodes page of the admin console.

Docker nodes do have some unique configuration properties however:

  • Docker Password File - This is the fully-qualified path of the password file that the Docker instance will use for authentication against the DAS.

    Please note, that this path should be the path to the file on the remote machine. This file should be a standard Payara Server password file as you would use with asadmin. This must be specified, as Docker instances require secure admin to be enabled to start.

  • TLS - Whether or not to use HTTPS to communicate with the Docker engine or not.

  • Docker Port - The port that the Docker engine is listening on. Defaults to 2376.

  • Docker Image - The Docker image to use. Payara Server will default to using the payara/server-node:6.2024.9 image.

The configuration options of CONFIG nodes are also available, namely nodehost, nodedir, and installdir. Specifying the nodehost option remains mandatory, but for docker nodes the installdir and nodedir options can safely be left as their defaults unless you’re specifying your own Docker image.

Please take particular note of the Docker Password File option: this is mandatory and must be present on the remote machine. Payara Server does not currently support propagating password files from the DAS to your remote machines. Secure admin must also be enabled for Docker Nodes to function correctly, which entails setting an admin password. See below for an example of enabling secure admin for the default admin user:

asadmin change-admin-password --user admin
Enter the admin password>
Enter the new admin password>
Enter the new admin password again>
Command change-admin-password executed successfully.

asadmin enable-secure-admin
Authentication failed with password from login store
Enter admin password for user "admin">
You must restart all running servers for the change in secure admin to take effect.
Command enable-secure-admin executed successfully.

asadmin restart-domain

As an example of an extremely simple password file, here is the contents of a sample, passwordfile.txt:


Where changeit is the password of the default admin user.

Once you have ensured that you have secure admin enabled, and that a password file granting access to the DAS is present on the remote machine, you can run the asadmin command for creating a Docker node:

asadmin create-node-docker --nodehost localhost --dockerPasswordFile /opt/passwordfile.txt --dockerport 2376 docker-node-1
The admin console page for creating Docker nodes is the same as creating the other node types: simply select DOCKER as the node type from the dropdown.

Configuring TLS

As Docker must expose an HTTP port, it is recommended that it be protected using TLS outside of development environments.

A full guide for how to do so can be found here In short, create self-signed TLS certificates (or use your own signed ones), and add them to your DOCKER_OPTS variable to secure the Docker REST admin service:

DOCKER_OPTS="--tlsverify --tlscacert=/home/anon/tls/ca.pem --tlscert=/home/anon/tls/server-cert.pem --tlskey=/home/anon/tls/server-key.pem -H="

Assuming you followed this guide, you will need to perform the following steps to allow Payara Server to communicate with the Docker engine correctly:

  1. Import the CA certificate into the Domain truststore (defaults to domain-dir/config/cacerts.p12)

  2. Create a PKCS12 bundle from the client certificate and key

  3. Import the generated PKCS12 bundle into the Domain’s keystore (defaults to domain-dir/config/keystore.p12)

Once you’ve enabled TLS for the Docker REST admin service and added the necessary certificates & keys to Payara Server, you can create a Docker Node with TLS enabled like so:

asadmin create-node-docker --nodehost localhost --useTls true --dockerPasswordFile /opt/passwordfile.txt --dockerport 2376 docker-node-1
Please ensure that the useTLS option of the node matches whether or not you have configured TLS for the Docker engine, as otherwise any communication with the Docker engine will fail.

To Delete a DOCKER Node

Use the delete-node-docker subcommand in remote mode to delete a DOCKER node.

Deleting a node removes the node from the configuration of the DAS and the Docker container that corresponds to the node’s system is stopped and removed. Follow these steps to remove a Docker node:

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Confirm that no instances reside on the node that you are deleting.

    asadmin list-nodes-config --long=true
  3. Run the delete-node-docker subcommand.

    asadmin> delete-node-docker node-name

    The name of the node that you are deleting.

Updating and Changing the Type of a Node

Payara Server enables you to update the configuration data of any node and to change the type of a node.

To Update an SSH Node

Use the update-node-ssh subcommand in remote mode to update an SSH node.

Options of this subcommand specify the new values of the node’s configuration data. If you omit an option, the existing value is unchanged.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • SSH is configured on the host where the DAS is running and on the host that the node represents.

  • The node that you are updating exists.

    1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

    2. Run the update-node-ssh subcommand.

      asadmin> update-node-ssh options node-name

      Options of the update-node-ssh subcommand for changing the node’s configuration data. For information about these options, see the update-node-ssh help page.


      The name of the SSH node to update.

The following example updates the host that the node sj01 represents to

asadmin> update-node-ssh --nodehost sj01
Command update-node-ssh executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help update-node-ssh at the command line.

To Update a CONFIG Node

Use the update-node-config subcommand in remote mode to update a CONFIG node.

Options of this subcommand specify the new values of the node’s configuration data. If you omit an option, the existing value is unchanged.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the node that you are updating exists.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the update-node-config subcommand.

    asadmin> update-node-config options node-name

    Options of the update-node-config subcommand for changing the node’s configuration data. For information about these options, see the update-node-config help page.


    The name of the CONFIG node to update.

The following example updates the host that the node cfg02 represents to

asadmin> update-node-config --nodehost cfg02
Command update-node-config executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help update-node-config at the command line.

To Change the Type of a Node

The subcommands for updating a node can also be used to change the type of a node.

Due to the structure and mechanisms used to configure DOCKER nodes, it is not possible to switch the type of a DOCKER node to either CONFIG/SSH nodes or viceversa.

Changing the type of a CONFIG node to a SSH node enables remote communication for the node. It is also possible to change an SSH node to a CONFIG node too.

As part of the process of changing the type of a node, you can also change other configuration data for the node.

Options of the subcommands for updating a node specify the new values of the node’s configuration data. For most options, if you omit the option, the existing value is unchanged. However, default values are applied in the following situations:

  • Any of the following options of the update-node-ssh subcommand is omitted:

    • --sshport

    • --sshuser

    • --sshkeyfile

Changing an SSH node to a CONFIG node disables remote communication for the node.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • SSH is configured on the host where the DAS is running and on the host that the node represents.

  • The node the type of which you are changing exists.

Execute the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Run the appropriate subcommand for updating a node, depending on the type of the node after the change.


    The name of the CONFIG node or the SSH node to change.

    • To change the type of a node to SSH, run the update-node-ssh subcommand on the node.


    Options of the update-node-ssh subcommand for changing the node’s configuration data. For information about these options, see the update-node-ssh help page.

    • To change the type of a node to CONFIG, run the update-node-config subcommand on the node.

      asadmin> update-node-config [options] ssh-node-name

    Options of the update-node-config subcommand for changing the node’s configuration data. For information about these options, see the update-node-config help page.


    The name of the SSH node to change.

The following example changes the CONFIG node cfg02 to an SSH node.

asadmin> update-node-ssh cfg02
Command update-node-ssh executed successfully.

See also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing the following commands at the command line.

  • asadmin help update-node-config

  • asadmin help update-node-ssh