Eclipse MicroProfile Config API

The Payara Platform 6.2024.9 provides MicroProfile Configuration 3.1


The Config API was created to allow for the modification of application configuration from outside the application without needing the application to be repackaged.

The complete specification can be found on the Eclipse MicroProfile website.

Breaking changes introduced in MicroProfile Config 3.1 are listed in the official specification under Incompatible Changes

Config Sources

A ConfigSource is a definition of a source of configuration values that can be used by an application. In addition to the default ConfigSources outlined by the specification, the following are also supported ConfigSources:

Where multiple configuration properties exist, the property from a source with a higher ordinal number is preferred.
Source Ordinal Description



Reads configuration properties from files in a specified directory. Each file name is the configuration property name and the contents of the file are the config property value. This config source can be used to read Kubernetes secrets files. + You can find out more about directory config sources here: Directory Config Sources



Retrieves and stores config values in the password alias store. These will be available to all server instances in a domain.



Retrieves and stores config values in the domain.xml as key values. These will then apply to all instances within a domain



Retrieves and stores config values within the JNDI tree. The property name being the dotted name path in the JNDI tree and the value being stored in the JNDI tree. These are modifiable by current admin console functionality.



Retrieves and stores config values at the level of the named configuration in the domain.xml; server-config, for example. MicroProfile Configuration property values will apply to all instances that use the Payara configuration specified.



Retrieves and stores config values at the level of the server in the domain.xml. Property values will only apply on the named server instance



Retrieves and stores config values at the level of the application. Property values will only be available for the specified application on all server instances it is deployed



Retrieves and stores config values at the level of an individual module within an application. Property values will only be available for the specified module on all server instances it is deployed



Retrieves and stores config values in the Hazelcast cluster as name value pairs. These will be available for all server instances that are members of the cluster.



Reads configuration properties from a file. This should be stored in the same location as your file This file can be used to reference properties containing variables which will be translated to their actual values upon retrieval. + The property values should be in the format referenced here: Types of Variables



Reads configuration properties from various Cloud provider secret stores. + You can find out more about our supported cloud config sources here: Cloud Config Sources



Reads configuration properties from a specified database table. + You can find out more about JDBC config sources here: JDBC Config Sources



Reads configuration properties from a specified LDAP directory. + You can find out more about LDAP config sources here: LDAP Config Sources


In addition to the standard converters specified by the API, Payara Platform’s implementation includes out-of-the-box converters for URL and InetAddress.

These have @Priority of 1, the same as the default converters.

Payara Platform Configuration Properties

In addition to the standard configuration properties, Payara Server and Micro provide a number of out-of-the-box config properties you can use in your application to find information about the runtime environment.

Property Description


The type of the runtime from DAS, INSTANCE, EMBEDDED, MICRO

The name of the instance e.g. server


The directory which is the root of the instance installation

The name of the Payara domain


The directory which is the root of the Payara software installation


The directory in which the server’s configuration files reside


The start time of the server in System.currentTimeMillis

The name of the configuration this server is using


The administration port number of this instance

The host IP address which the admin listener is listening on


The HTTP port for http-listener


The IP address the http listener is listening on


Whether the http listener is enabled


The HTTP port for https-listener


The IP address the https listener is listening on


Whether the https listener is enabled

Payara Server offers additional facilities to configure specific settings of the MicroProfile Configuration API, described next.

Config Ordinal Configuration

Configuration variables ordinal values can be configured by using Admin Console or via the Asadmin CLI.

Using the Admin Console

To configure the ordinal value in the Admin Console, go to Configuration → [instance-configuration (like server-config)] → MicroProfile → Config → Ordinal:

Set Config Ordinal

Using Asadmin Commands

A --source value of jndi is not supported for these asadmin commands yet. The JNDI ConfigSource does exist and is usable from the Config API, though.

The following Asadmin commands can be used to manipulate configuration sources ordinal values:

Configuration Property Manipulation

Configuration properties can be configured by using Admin Console or Asadmin commands.

Using the Admin Console

To configure the property in the Admin Console, go to Configuration → [instance-configuration (like server-config)] → MicroProfile → Config → Property:

Set Config Property

Using Asadmin Commands

The following Asadmin commands can be used to directly configure MicroProfile configuration properties:

Cache Duration Configuration

The cache duration of the values of a configuration property can be configured by using Asadmin commands. By default, the cached value of properties have a TTL (time to live) of 60 seconds.

That means each individual property does not change for 60 seconds since it has been resolved before. Therefore, it can take up to 60 seconds for changes made visible by a source to become effective.

If properties were not resolved recently, the change can become visible faster than the cache duration or even immediately because some time already passed since they had been last resolved and cached.

Use the set-config-cache to modify this setting.