This page provides instructions on how to build the Payara Server’s source code.
To build and run Payara Server, your environment must be set up with the following:
Oracle JDK 11 Update 5 or later.
Maven 3.3.9 or above
environment variable pointing to the JDK install location (e.g. /home/user/jdk11.0.16.1) -
environment variable that has a pointer to the Java binaries (JAVA_HOME/bin
You can also optionally add the Maven bin folder to the PATH
environment variable as well, and the documentation will assume that you have done so.
Getting the Source Code
To download the Payara Server’s source code, open a terminal or Git Bash window, navigate to the directory you would like the source code to be downloaded to, and run git clone
This will download the Payara Server’s source code, and initialize git, in a directory called Payara.
Building Payara Server
With your Git Bash or terminal window, navigate into the downloaded Payara directory, and run:
mvn clean install
This will build Payara and run the integrated unit tests. To save a bit of time, you can skip these tests by appending the skipTests flag to the install command like so:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Building Payara Micro
Payara Micro is included as part of the default build. As it depends on modules of Payara Server, it can’t be built on its own. To build Payara Micro:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
After the build has completed, the Payara Micro jar can be found in the target directory at:
Building Payara Docker Images
The source code of the Official Docker Images is also integrated in the main Payara repository. In order to be able to build these images, a Docker Client needs to be installed on the machine you execute the Maven command.
mvn clean install -PBuildDockerImages -pl :docker-images -amd
The Maven build expects that a regular build of Payara is already executed as it searches for some artifacts in the Maven repository (like SNAPSHOT builds of the server)
Additional Build Profiles
There are a number of additional Maven build profiles:
mvn clean install
mvn clean install -PBuildEmbedded
mvn clean install -PQuickBuild
Payara Version | clean install | -PBuildEmbedded | -PQuickBuild |
Payara Server |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Payara Server (Web Profile) |
✓ |
✓ |
Payara Server Multi Language |
✓ |
✓ |
Payara Server Multi Language (Web Profile) |
✓ |
✓ |
Payara Micro |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Payara Embedded |
✓ |
Payara Embedded (Web Profile) |
✓ |